A shoebill rattles its beak
A whale head (Balaeniceps rex) rattles his big beak, and sounds like a machine gun.
A woman drops a few bottles of wine
Woman drops a few bottles of wine in a store
Police rescue a man from a burning car
Two police officers in Austin, Texas rescued an unconscious man inside a burning car. Police had received several calls for an unconscious man inside a burning truck in the area. […]
The enthusiasm of the goalkeeper
A young goalkeeper gets excited when he makes a significant save, and rushes towards the spectators to celebrate…
A huge wave hits the deck of the ship
During a major storm in the Baltic Sea, A huge wave hit and destroyed the captain's bridge on a Russian oil tanker. Fortunately, the ship was able to continue its course safely.
Motorcyclist is moving at 260 km / h and has a terrible accident
South Australian police have released a video in which a motorcyclist rides at high speeds reaching up to 267 km / h, on a highway. The man ended his dangerous walk after colliding with […]