Thorough car wash
|Thorough washing and dry cleaning inside a very dirty car.
Collapse of the wall of a house on a car (Russia)
|During the demolition of an old house in the city of Saratov, Russia, one of the walls collapsed in the wrong direction, and fell on a car. A man in the car was transported injured […]
Logo on wood with a CNC machine
|A Shapeoko 4 CNC router creates a logo on wood, which is then filled with epoxy resin.
The zibelina plays the boomerang game
|A pet sable is playing with its owner, returning to her every time he throws her away. Sable is a small animal related to the weasel.
A dog with a crooked mouth having a spa day
|Brody the rescue dog, enjoys a relaxing spa day.
Two teenagers escape from a fire with the help of a pipe
|On Thursday, December 16, 2021 in New York, a fire broke out on the fourth floor of a building. Faced with danger, two teenagers came out of an apartment through a window and were caught from outside […]
A girl is trapped under the water of a swimming pool
|On Sunday, December 5, 2021 in Agua Branca, Brazil, a 13-year-old girl was trapped underwater for two minutes in a swimming pool at friends house, with her long hair having […]
A sparkler in the snow
|A man places a sparkler (sparkler) in the snow. The sparkler stays on and creates a strange effect.
Nail printer
|A small printer from China, which with the help of an application prints any photo or color on a nail.
Joke to an Indian friend
|A guy sings “Knight rider Bhangra” to his Indian friend looking like Punjabi Mc.