Live broadcast accident
|A Ukrainian soldier is on a live broadcast on the British television network Sky News, when suddenly the magazine falls from his gun.
The cat singer
|A cat on vocals, accompanies its owner playing a rhythm on the guitar. Awesome talent!
High-tech fishing
|With the help of an underwater camera, a fisherman catches a fish under the ice.
A book with lenticular animations
|The book “Ocean” by Dan Kainen, contains images with multiple frames, which create a lot of video syndromes. The images are lenticular, that is, they contain different images at multiple angles. The movement of a lens over images […]
The construction of a single stone ring
|A jeweler shows us the process of making a single stone ring.
Cyan Eyed – Fantasy Short Film
|After years of searching, Grunt has finally found the bounty hunter, pirate Captain Corliss Vail, and his goal is clear – to rescue the young, supernaturally talented Nessa Baelin from prison in the bounty hunter’s […]
Let's play Unpacking (EN) – Quite a large apartment (Gameplay) – #6 / Episode 6
|The next stages of laying. We have more and more junk and we need more work to put everything in order.
Let's play Planet Alpha (EN) -Cosmites greet us with colors (#gameplay) – #1 / Episode 1
|The beginning seems cool. The game is in the style of Limbo / Inside and it looks promising.
A motorist passes between the bombs (Ukraine)
|Motorist escapes Russian bombing while driving in Kharkov, Ukraine.
Do not approach my bike
|A parrot does not want the cat to approach near its new bike.
A kiosk crosses the street
|A truck in New York refuses to give priority to a kiosk, crossing the road from the crosswalk. Unacceptable racism.
Retouching in a car scratch
|A man struggles to retouch a small scratch on the body of his car. Detailed work.