1920s pencil sharpener
|The operation of a 1920's sharpener, which was manufactured by the German company Avanti.
Playing with a sugar pet
|A sugar glider uses the membranes between its legs like a parachute, and falls slowly from a great height without injury. It then returns to its owner's pocket.
So that the fish don't get bored
|An aquarium formed inside transparent tubes.
Raid by special forces
|Special police forces in Russia raid the home of a suspected drug dealer, and they try to get over the fence with a ladder. Then a neighbor comes to help them.
Kiss between father and son
|A father kisses his newborn son, and the little one seems to be kissing back.
Can you pass the wine;
|How to pass wine to someone at the other end of a long table, without getting up. A very funny Rube Goldberg machine made by Joseph Herscher.
An unusual technique in the long jump (1974)
|The early 1970s in athletics is an extremely interesting time. The technique of most sports is not yet settled, and athletes are constantly inventing new methods. What is the best technique for […]
Freestyle dance final
|The final of the Red Bull Dance Your Style 2019 dance competition, between Brazilian B-Boy Neguin and Czech Kristián Mensa.
Kush Kash: A musical instrument from Ghana
|Cous Kash or Kasaka, is a very simple musical instrument from west Africa. It is a percussion instrument consisting of two small gourds (from the Oncoba spinosa tree) full of beans – […]