Miniature electric screwdriver
|Enos Camare from Spain, designed and printed a tiny electric screwdriver on a 3D printer. Then he added a small motor with a switch, and the miniature screwdriver is fully functional. Placed in […]
The guard dog
|A man tests his dog's bravery in case someone breaks into the house. The results are not encouraging.
Who is the boss of the house;
|A cat reminds a rude dog who's boss in the house.
Unusual cat color
|A cat’s fur color makes it look like it’s wearing a mask.
Drugs disguised as chocolates
|At an airport in Brazil, drugs were detected and seized, which the traffickers had hidden well inside a sealed package of chocolates. Ironically: These chocolates are called Ouro Branco, which in Portuguese means “white […]
The Atlas robot brings the tools to a worker
|In a new video from Boston Dynamics, the Atlas humanoid robot can interact with objects to achieve its goal. A worker on a scaffolding asks Atlas to bring it to him […]
The rescue of a kingfisher
|A man saw a distressed kingfisher whose legs were stuck by ice on a metal railing. He used his hands to warm the metal and the bird's legs. After […]
Praying mantis catches a hummingbird
|A mantis lurks on a feeder, and grabs an approaching hummingbird with her strong legs. Large mantises can eat small vertebrates such as lizards, amphibia, fish and small birds, and […]
The elevator
|A man and a woman meet everyday in an elevator, but they hesitate to communicate. An advertisement for the shoe brand Bianco.
Lighting a fire with a hammer
|Did you know that it is possible to start a fire with a hammer?; in TikTok, the Czech Tomáš Kovář Lebduška shows us how to start a fire with a hammer, an iron rod and sheets of paper. It hits the iron […]
The cheapest pickup truck in the world
|This electric pickup truck from China is called the Chang Li Explorer and costs just $2000.