Donkey against flood
|A donkey tries to escape the arrival of a flash flood in Oman.
The dog did not hide well
|A dog is hiding under the covers, but his tail betrays him.
The solution to diaper changing
|A dad uses a clever technique to change his baby's diaper and avoid unpleasant smells.
The Pentagon releases images of a UFO
|The Pentagon releases images of a “metal sphere” type UFO over Iraq.The hearing was intended to address concerns about the sheer number of UFO sightings recorded in recent years.Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick of the Office of […]
Lumberjack trying to escape from a tree
|After cutting down a tree, a woodcutter sees it falling in the opposite direction to what he had calculated.
An angry driver is punished by karma
|On Wednesday April 19, 2023 in Adelaide, Australia, an angry driver wanted revenge on someone who changed lanes and blocked his way. The 57-year-old man behind the wheel of the Ford Ranger […]
The hunter
|A white tiger in a zoo, she tries to chase a man standing with his back to her.
Professional paint technician
|How a professional paint technician mixes colors to create a specific color for his client.
War plane accidentally drops a bomb on the road (Russia)
|Camera footage of the moment a Russian warplane accidentally drops a bomb in Belgorod, Russia, near the Ukrainian border. The Su-34 fighter jet accidentally dropped the bomb in the middle of one […]
Dyeing patterned fabric
|A woman uses an original technique to create beautiful designs on a sheet.
Scooter vs train
|On the morning of Tuesday, April 18, 2023 in Izegem, Belgium, a motorcyclist was nearly hit by a train while crossing a level crossing with lowered bars. The man on the scooter narrowly escaped […]
You won't get rid of me that easily
|A foal persistently asks a human to scratch it on its favorite spot.