Scary route of a bus in Peru
On a road near the city of Huanuco in Peru, a bus driver crosses his vehicle while at risk of falling off a cliff.
You messed with my friend;
A corgi dog attacks a smaller poodle dog, while soon after a cat comes to the defense of the smaller dog.
Shark attacks a kayak
Scott Haraguchi kayaked patrol 1,5 kilometers off the coast of Kualoa in Hawaii, when he was attacked by a tiger shark. The shark rushed out of the water and bit his kayak. […]
Driver gets stuck at a railroad crossing
On Thursday, May 11, 2023 around 3 p.m. in Bilzen, Belgium, a driver wanted to pass a level crossing under construction while driving her vehicle. A worker who was there recorded […]
The double phone technique
On April 18, 2023 in Barranquilla, Colombia, a thief on a motorcycle entered a bus that stopped at a stop to rob passengers. A woman waited until she was distracted […]
The dilemma of artificial intelligence
“Now it’s like getting on a plane, 50% of the engineers who designed it think there’s a 10% chance it will disintegrate, would you get on that plane?”
A very clever rat
YouTuber Shawn Woods tries out rat traps and had the chance to film a pretty smart rat. The clever rodent used a stick to disable a mousetrap.
The last one standing wins
A battle between remote controlled cars on a platform. The last car on the platform wins the game.
Duel between two grizzly bears
A large and intense duel between two bears on the Alaskan peninsula. The video was recorded on the border of Lake Clark National Park. Two giant males compete for dominance of the breeding season in a meadow.