Dog with manners
|A dog cleans its paws on the carpet, before entering the house.
Taking pictures with a 126-year-old camera
|Taking pictures with a 126-year-old camera and black and white film. Specifically, the black and white film retains its properties and allows standard use many years later, in contrast to colored which deteriorates quite quickly.
Carl Sagan explains the concept of the 4th dimension
|In this episode of his television program entitled Cosmos , Carl Sagan discusses the notion of the fourth dimension of space-time by drawing an analogy with another well-known scientific story: Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott.
Emergency lane in Germany
|In Germany there is the term 'Rettungsgasse', which is the space left free by motorists so that ambulances can circulate, Police, fire department etc. Even with many kilometers of traffic jams, no one would think […]
Sporty pig
|Farmer tries to catch a pig, which easily jumps from wall to wall.
Help a bear escape from the campsite
|On the shores of Lake Harmony in Pennsylvania (United States), a bear entered a campsite disturbing a group of friends who were drinking. Mike calmly explained to the bear that he couldn't stay. The […]
Destruction in the warehouse
|In a warehouse in the city of Chaozhou in China, two employees are moving toilet bowls and one wrong move will cause a hundred elevated bowls to fall. The workers will watch helplessly as the dominoes fall, which will last […]
Five in a row
|A young man and his grandmother play Connect 5 with an egg case and ping pong balls. The player must line up 5 balls in a row to win the game. To play, they bounce […]
Flatworm devours a rotifer
|In tiny dimensions of about half a millimeter (frame length), we are watching a platyhelminth (worm-shaped invertebrate) to suck a rotifer out of its shell.
|As he nails a wooden roof, a man will not realize that he has trapped himself in the woods.