Loading a tree trunk without a crane
|Workers load a large log onto a truck, without using lifting machines.
Riding the cheapest train is very enjoyable in Colombia
|Riding the cheapest train is very enjoyable in Colombia
Realistic miniature of facades and shops
|User Mordi miniaturas creates some extremely realistic miniatures, from facades of old buildings and shops that he finds in photographs. Here he constructs a miniature of the facade of Yonah Shimmel Bakery in Manhattan.
A cowboy stops an out-of-control boat
|The owner of a boat that began to spin out of control, he stops her by catching her with a lasso.
Ignition of a layer of smoke
|A large plume of smoke ignites above firefighters during a training exercise. This phenomenon is called fire explosion (backdraft) and is an explosion caused by the rapid reintroduction of oxygen into a fire […]
A Lamborghini and a Ferrari overtake a caravan (Sardinia)
|On Monday, October 2, 2023 around 10:30 am. in Sardinia, the driver of a Ferrari and a Lamborghini attempted to overtake a motorhome at the same time on a no-passing road. The two […]
Mushroom picking interrupted by a bear
|On Friday September 29, 2023 around 9:00 a.m. in the Iwate forest in Japan, a man was filming himself picking mushrooms when he saw a bear with her cub. The teddy bear climbed up […]
Stopping a quad bike rolling down a hill
|In Alberta in the United States, a man riding a Suzuki LTR 450 quad tried to climb a hill, but lost control of his vehicle almost at the top. The quad rolled down the hill […]
Fired metals on ice
|What happens when we place several pieces of hot metal on top of a large piece of ice.
Huge landslide (China)
|A massive landslide occurred in Chongzhou, China on September 27. Drivers approaching the road stopped in time and fortunately escaped disaster.