February, 2024.

And while you're hanging out with your girlfriends...

(6) | 14/02/2024 | 0 comments

Three women in China sit in the courtyard of a house and talk, when suddenly the shed above them will give way under the weight of the snow.

The police in Montenegro

(11) | 13/02/2024 | 0 comments

A patrol car in Montenegro turns on its siren…

A proboscis catches bananas

(6) | 13/02/2024 | 0 comments

A keeper gives bananas to an elephant, who catches them by passing his proboscis between the bars.

Argument with a parrot

(12) | 13/02/2024 | 0 comments

In Brazil, a woman argues with her parrot because it ate the cell phone cable. But the parrot does not give in to the argument and shouts louder than her.

Who is the most stylish girl in the group?;

(10) | 12/02/2024 | 0 comments

A duck walks in a funny way.

Theft of a Rolls Royce worth £350.000, using a large antenna

(6) | 09/02/2024 | 0 comments

Thieves break into a Rolls Royce worth 350.000 pounds in 30 seconds, using a wire antenna and a transponder. This theft technique is based on relaying through a special device, of the signal emitted by the […]

The car disappeared

(4) | 09/02/2024 | 0 comments

A tow truck hits and drags a semi truck that is stopped on the side of the road, and almost hit two men who were at that moment loading some things into the pickup truck.

Printer Jackpot

(1) | 09/02/2024 | 0 comments

You are OK, turn off

(8) | 08/02/2024 | 0 comments

Motorist tries to park, but seems to be facing some difficulties.