Tragic accident for a driver who was traveling at 300 km/h
A 25-year-old man drove an Audi RS5 on a Moscow highway in Russia at a speed of over 300 km/h, while the passenger was filming him. However, he didn't have time to react when a truck passed in the left lane, […]
Mimos copies the walking of passers-by
A mime has the special talent of accurately copying the way someone walks, entertaining the attendees.
The short life of a remote controlled boat
Someone tests a small remote-controlled boat in a canal, when suddenly a big fish comes to grab her.
How much pressure should I put on the tire?;
Someone inflates a bicycle tire with too much pressure, using a Jackhammer.
Woman uses phone while driving, almost kills crew of vintage Jaguar XK120
A woman who was on the phone and not driving collided with a Jaguar XK120. The crew of the vehicle survived, but they were lucky, as the over 70-year-old vehicle does not have any modern […]
Worker destroys an elevator
A worker places a steel bar on an elevator door, thus thinking the door would remain open until he fetched his tools. But the elevator door closes, and the cabin begins to […]
Luxury camping
How many things do you need when you go camping?; Someone shows us the excessive equipment they have for a backcountry camp.
River sweeps a bridge
A bridge collapses into a river in Afton, Tennessee, after the flooding caused by Hurricane Helene.
You can open a champagne with a glass;
The trick doesn't seem to have worked at first, but the end result was impressive.
How to catch iguanas at night
Hunting green iguanas has become a common practice in some parts of the world, especially in the Caribbean, Central and South America, but also in South Florida, for various reasons. These reasons may include; […]