Dog runs after the ambulance carrying its owner

A dog runs after the ambulance that has just picked up its owner. The ambulance stops after a while, and a member of his crew opens it [...]

When a cat adopts you

In an animal shelter a boy went to choose a cat, but rather the opposite happened and a cat chose him as its owner.

The chicken that made it

(8) | 29/09/2022 | 0 comments

In China, a hen managed to fly for several seconds, trying to avoid the water of a lake.

After the election of the far-right government in Italy

(10) | 29/09/2022 | 0 comments

On September 26 and after the elections in Italy, Giorgia Meloni's far-right party won the election. Future government called 'most right-wing government since Mussolini'. An Italian uploaded this […]

Dad buys ice creams

(16) | 29/09/2022 | 0 comments

A father buys two ice creams for his sons, but he finds that they are of different size. He then imagines what the future holds if his young son gets the smallest ice cream. Excerpt from her advertisement […]

Trouble at the gas station

(7) | 29/09/2022 | 1 comment

A woman tries to put gas in her car, but the vehicle is too far from the pump.

Squirrel throwing pine cones on a porch

(5) | 29/09/2022 | 0 comments

Above the branch of a pine tree, a squirrel throws pinecones furiously into the yard of a house.

Traditional cat-greeting

(13) | 28/09/2022 | 0 comments

Two cats shake hands, before they begin a mixed martial arts battle.

Dog adopts four kittens

(8) | 27/09/2022 | 0 comments

A female dog in Russia nurses four orphaned kittens.

Composing music to the annoying neighbor's alarm

(25) | 27/09/2022 | 0 comments

Musician Tony Ann decided to convert his neighbor's annoying car alarm, in a very beautiful piano composition.

Effective marketing

(5) | 27/09/2022 | 0 comments

Seller of a 'magic' mop in England, he knows how to sell his product. For anyone interested, the mop is called the Enyaa Spin Mop.

Robot picking apples

(4) | 27/09/2022 | 0 comments

An apple-picking robot from American company Advanced Farm works in an orchard. It is capable of picking 30 apples per minute with its 6 robotic arms, equipped with suction cups to grip […]

The DART spacecraft crashes into asteroid to change its trajectory

(4) | 27/09/2022 | 0 comments

After 10 months of space travel, the DART probe hit its target by dropping more than 20.000 km/h in the asteroid Dimorphos located about 11 million kilometers from Earth. The purpose of the mission […]

How good are you at frisbee?;

(10) | 27/09/2022 | 0 comments

On a beach, a man shows us some very impressive tricks with a frisbee.

Kung Fu with a Squirrel

(16) | 26/09/2022 | 0 comments

You must be fully prepared when you meet a squirrel Kung Fu master on your way.

Why you shouldn't drill holes in a tank

(5) | 26/09/2022 | 0 comments

In a car repair shop in Illinois, United States, a mechanic tries for an unknown reason to make a hole in the tank of a car. A spark will ignite the gasoline in the tank, and the entire crew […]

A small kid wants to throw away the guests

(10) | 26/09/2022 | 0 comments

A little boy in Saudi Arabia asks in an intense tone 'who is the guest'. He then says that he is not welcome, since his mom spent many hours in the kitchen preparing food.