Only men can do it

Getting one's feet through one's closed hands is not easy. Watch the video and try it, although as seen in a [...]

How to catch a cobra

A Thai man uses a plastic bottle to trap a cobra. The snake will somehow voluntarily enter the bottle and the [...]

Pilot lands after canopy suddenly opens mid-flight

Dutch pilot Narine Melkumjan experienced a dangerous incident when the canopy of her Extra 330LX plane suddenly opened mid-flight. Despite his shock [...]

Chuck Norris facts

(7) | 20/07/2012 | 0 comments

Since the emission Mappes Show in MAD Radio 106,2

Amazing dunk

(3) | 20/07/2012 | 0 comments

A spectacular dunk by young Angelo Sharpless in Varsity championship race.


(11) | 20/07/2012 | 0 comments

Two wildebeest are planning to cross the river

An excellent advertising of Unicef

(41) | 19/07/2012 | 2 comments

An advertisement of UNICEF on child abuse, who won the silver award in the category Television / Cinema of the «Clio» prize as a candidate in the most creative ads the year.

The Verykios is Fez

(14) | 19/07/2012 | 0 comments

Experienced, or very lucky;

(8) | 19/07/2012 | 0 comments

Driver avoids conflict with incredible way

Like in the movies

(3) | 19/07/2012 | 1 comment

It could very well be a scene from a Hollywood action movie. A truck caught fire in the Moscow Highway, and exploded after the driver's unsuccessful attempt to put out with a fire extinguisher. […]


(25) | 19/07/2012 | 1 comment

Award winning ad of the British Guardian newspaper that aired in 1986.


(5) | 19/07/2012 | 0 comments

Beautiful night pictures of the skies of Western Australia and Chile. By photographer Colin Legg.

The stunt cat

(2) | 19/07/2012 | 0 comments

Secret agent Bubi

(3) | 19/07/2012 | 0 comments

Usman Riaz & Preston Reed: A young guitarist meets the round of

(6) | 19/07/2012 | 0 comments

The Usman Riaz is a eikosienachronos sorcerer of the guitar cable, a style that learned to play by watching the Captivate at YouTube. Here plays the scene of TEDGlobal 2012 and follows a stunning solo […]

Scary sneeze

(7) | 18/07/2012 | 0 comments

A little Kitty scares when the man behind the camera suddenly sneezes

Painting plastic

(7) | 18/07/2012 | 0 comments

The Robin Eley painting with detail a piece of transparent plastic, creating an ultra-realistic table