If you are a gentleman…

A man seems to be pulling all the right moves to woo a woman…

Dad's Sixth Sense

A dad throws a pillow with perfect accuracy, when he sees that his baby is about to hit his head on the floor.

Master of disguise

(14) | 02/11/2021 | 0 comments

Make-up artist Alyson Tabbitha has occasionally made some striking disguises on well-known movie and videogames.

Strong argument

(11) | 01/11/2021 | 0 comments

During an episode of “The Grand Tour”, Jeremy Clarkson comments on the Detroit financial collapse.

Behind the scenes of Avatar

(5) | 01/11/2021 | 0 comments

A snapshot from the filming of the movie 'Avatar', where the actors wear special costumes and devices that record in detail the movements of their body and face.

Construction of a small plane

(8) | 01/11/2021 | 0 comments

How to make a shuttle that launches with a rubber band.

Deal with a monkey

(9) | 01/11/2021 | 0 comments

A man has to pay a ransom to a monkey, to get his glasses back.

A cat in Jurassic Park

(7) | 01/11/2021 | 0 comments

A cat plays the role of the scary Tyrannosaurus that attacks Jeep in the movie 'Jurassic Park'. A funny montage from the OwlKitty channel.

Tree grows through a metal sign

(10) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

In the city of Dunedin, Florida in the United States, someone discovered a small tree that had sprouted from the base of a metal plate.

The shooting range in the middle of a highway

(9) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

The Brünnlisau shooting range in Switzerland has its targets on the opposite side of a main road, but it is very safe.

Elephant kills a crocodile

(7) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

In Kruger National Park in South Africa, an elephant attacks a crocodile and kicks it with its feet until it kills it. Elephants are generally peaceful animals, however females can […]

How to pass a sailboat under a bridge;

(8) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

Three Russians on a sailing boat drop their weight from one side, so that the boat tilts and they pass under a low bridge.

The dog who hates bad gestures

(5) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

A dog gets angry when a man makes an obscene gesture.

The little wild boar

(10) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

A small wild boar is particularly aggressive, and chases a man in the body of a van.

When it's not your time yet

(7) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

A delivery man returning to his motorcycle was almost hit by a car out of control. With quick reflexes, the man fled at the last minute possibly escaping a fatal accident.

Car hangs on a drawbridge

(8) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 in Leuven, Belgium, a car remained motionless on a drawbridge while the bridge was opening. The vehicle eventually fell and overturned on the ground. A couple and […]

A ferry boat overturns

(8) | 30/10/2021 | 0 comments

On Wednesday, October 27, 2021 in Paturia, Bangladesh, the Shah Amanat ship capsized on the Padma River while reaching a pier. Several vehicles fell into the water but there were no casualties. The incident is reported to […]