Flash flood

A river suddenly floods while someone is recording video with their cell phone.

Wireless charging

Electric current is generated in the metal frame of an umbrella, near high voltage pylons during rain. The pillars create a changing [...]

A cobra at the reception

(11) | 23/10/2021 | 1 comment

A cobra warmly welcomes people to a front door in Ghorahi, Nepal.

Relaxing massage

(8) | 23/10/2021 | 0 comments

A dog enjoys a relaxing massage from a cat.

The fastest means of transport

(9) | 23/10/2021 | 0 comments

A human hand helps an ant to quickly transfer its large load to the nest.

Thieves snatch a cyclist's cell phone

(3) | 23/10/2021 | 0 comments

While cycling with friends on a road in Jakarta, Indonesia, A man will be robbed by two scooter riders who snatched his mobile phone from a pocket in his back. […]

A dog saves his master from a vacuum cleaner

(14) | 23/10/2021 | 0 comments

A dog saves his master when he is savagely attacked by the devilish vacuum cleaner of the house.

Dangerous shot at the shooting range

(6) | 23/10/2021 | 0 comments

A visit to the shooting range almost turned into a tragedy for a man. He did not hold his revolver properly and inadvertently fired a second bullet that could have fatally wounded him or them. […]

The spectacular eruption of Aso volcano

(4) | 22/10/2021 | 0 comments

On Wednesday, October 20, 2021, Mount Aso exploded, Japan's largest volcano located on Kyushu Island, throwing ashes at an altitude of 3,500 meters. No injuries were reported after the blast.

A wood floats in the sea

(12) | 22/10/2021 | 0 comments

A woman records a piece of wood floating on the surface of the water, on a beach in Mazatlán, Mexico. But a wave will reveal that it is actually a crocodile.

Replacing a light bulb with a drone

(12) | 21/10/2021 | 0 comments

A drone changes a light bulb in the living room of a house, reminiscent of the famous spaceship docking scene in the movie “Interstellar”.

A reckless driver causes a serious accident

(2) | 21/10/2021 | 0 comments

Dangerous driving of a man in Kazakhstan caused a serious accident.

A cat that plays like a dog

(14) | 21/10/2021 | 0 comments

A kitten plays like a dog. She stands on both feet waiting for her owner to throw her an object, to bring it back.

Guard against gate

(7) | 21/10/2021 | 0 comments

A guard has a difficult mission, as he tries to close a large metal gate.

Unloading a cement pipe

(9) | 21/10/2021 | 0 comments

A special mechanism in a truck helps to safely unload cement pipes.

The goat is sabotaging

(6) | 21/10/2021 | 0 comments

During an interview on a farm, a goat will cut the microphone cable with its teeth, interrupting the sound.

Cyclist collides with deer

(1) | 21/10/2021 | 0 comments

September 13, 2021 in Luberton, New Jersey in the United States, a deer ran across a road as a group of cyclists passed by. The deer hit him with its hind legs […]