Proper floodproof construction (Austria)

Storm Boris brought an almost unprecedented deluge to parts of Austria, of the Czech Republic, of Hungary, of Poland, of Romania and Slovakia [...]

Flash flood

A river suddenly floods while someone is recording video with their cell phone.

The shooting of a pizza commercial

(11) | 09/10/2021 | 0 comments

Director Steve Giralt shows us how a commercial for Domino’s pizza was shot.

Strange mirrors

(13) | 09/10/2021 | 0 comments

A system of mechanically tilting mirrors, at an art exhibition.

Manufacture of wooden chess pieces

(7) | 08/10/2021 | 1 comment

Making wooden chess pieces in a craft.

The dog wanted to thank them all

(19) | 08/10/2021 | 0 comments

A group of cyclists help a stray dog ​​that has a plastic bottle stuck in its head. After they take it out, the dog immediately wants to show his gratitude.

Car causes collision (S. Korea)

(5) | 08/10/2021 | 0 comments

On a highway in Korea, a bus is moving in the left lane (blue lines in korea separate lane that is only for public transport) when a driver in the adjacent lane brakes abruptly and […]

Brave cats

(10) | 08/10/2021 | 0 comments

Some cats dare to put up with bigger wildlife.

Rope construction with manual tools

(12) | 08/10/2021 | 0 comments

How the rope was made in the classic way and manual tools, from processed hemp fiber stalks.

Automatic production line

(9) | 07/10/2021 | 0 comments

Water tanks are loaded directly on the back of a truck with an improvised construction.

A plane crashes on the road

(2) | 07/10/2021 | 0 comments

On Saturday, October 2, 2021, A Boeing-Stearman PT-17 crashed on a road in Winnie, Texas, after taking off from the same road and colliding with a lamppost and a power cord during […]

The astronaut egg

(8) | 07/10/2021 | 0 comments

An egg that broke in boiling, and the egg white with its yolk formed an astronaut greeting.

Uncomfortable development

(12) | 06/10/2021 | 0 comments

A woman observes a man eating his ice cream while staring at her. After all, it wasn't what he thought...

Rescue of an owl from a tree

(15) | 06/10/2021 | 0 comments

A man helps an owl that was entangled with a fishing line, and was hanging from a tree.

The cat wanted some company

(8) | 06/10/2021 | 0 comments

A cat approaches a dog and falls on it asking for some caresses.

Who is honking;

(14) | 06/10/2021 | 0 comments

A young man placed a Bluetooth speaker in the body of his father's truck, and made it play horn sounds along the way. Without being able to understand why the other vehicles […]

Dozens of drones fall from the sky

(5) | 06/10/2021 | 0 comments

On Friday, October 1, 2021 in Zhengzhou, China, Thousands of people gathered to watch a 200-light drone show hosted by Wanda Plaza Mall. But a technician […]