Proper floodproof construction (Austria)

Storm Boris brought an almost unprecedented deluge to parts of Austria, of the Czech Republic, of Hungary, of Poland, of Romania and Slovakia [...]

Flash flood

A river suddenly floods while someone is recording video with their cell phone.

A cleaning worker saves a child's life (Brazil)

(21) | 17/09/2021 | 0 comments

In the city of Rolândia, Brazil, a 5-year-old boy wanted to cross a street at the moment after passing a garbage truck. Fortunately, the cleaning clerk was on alert, as a pickup truck was speeding at the time […]

Some cats hate seafood

(9) | 16/09/2021 | 1 comment

On the face of a shrimp, most cats immediately see a treat. But there are also some cats who hate seafood.

Remote controlled plane from a juice box

(11) | 16/09/2021 | 1 comment

NumaVIG shows us how he made a remote-controlled airplane from juice boxes.

The robot pharmacist

(12) | 16/09/2021 | 0 comments

In a pharmacy in Ukraine, a robotic system instantly finds the stored drug selected by the pharmacist on the computer, and delivers it to a container.

The cat knows the way

(11) | 16/09/2021 | 0 comments

A Ragdoll cat, she quickly realizes that she will catch her toy from a high point with special shelves for cats.

Manufacture of glass bottles in a factory

(4) | 16/09/2021 | 2 comments

A brief tour of the production line of a glass bottle factory. The molten glass falls as we see at the beginning into pieces at the lowest point where the molds are located. The tempered glass enters the molds, […]

A hermit crab moves along with anemones

(28) | 16/09/2021 | 0 comments

In this excerpt from an episode of the documentary series “Blue World”, the diver Jonathan Bird records a hermit crab changing shells carrying along the sea anemones that are stuck in the old house. […]

It's time to open the piggy bank

(8) | 16/09/2021 | 0 comments

A woman breaks her big porcelain piggy bank after two years of saving.

Rotating table with robotic claws

(3) | 16/09/2021 | 0 comments

The robot and animatronics film designer, Mark Setrakian, made a robotic tip with nails, that can spin a disc with precision and constant speed.

Child vs barrier

(7) | 16/09/2021 | 0 comments

A woman tells her children to go through the bars of an entrance bar, but the bar goes up automatically, lifting with her in the air one of the two boys whose head he had […]

Failed insurance fraud

(7) | 16/09/2021 | 0 comments

Two men choose to commit an insurance fraud by crashing into a car during a night out in the UK. One of the men pretends to have been hit by the car, but it does not […]

A rooster and a goat rescue a chicken from a hawk

(23) | 16/09/2021 | 1 comment

On a farm in the Netherlands, a hen is attacked by a hawk, but is quickly rescued by a rooster and a goat. The hawk had no choice but to leave its prey and […]

'The Earth doesn't spin my child'

(19) | 14/09/2021 | 0 comments

Islamist scholar Maulana Imran Attari on Pakistan's Madani TV channel, teaches children that science is wrong and that the earth does not rotate. His views, he says, are based on Islamic writing […]

Why you should not leave the key on the door

(20) | 13/09/2021 | 0 comments

Many believe that if you leave the key on the lock of your door, it can not be violated because it will not fit any tool or pass key on the other side. In fact, the burglary […]

Huge lens turns a stone into lava

(10) | 13/09/2021 | 0 comments

A large Fresnel lens from a rear view TV, used to melt a volcanic rock in lava.