Proper floodproof construction (Austria)

Storm Boris brought an almost unprecedented deluge to parts of Austria, of the Czech Republic, of Hungary, of Poland, of Romania and Slovakia [...]

Flash flood

A river suddenly floods while someone is recording video with their cell phone.

The waterproof water

(6) | 27/05/2021 | 0 comments

Dry water is a substance that looks like a fine white powder and is created from water droplets coated with silicon vapor.. It is so named because it consists of 95% water but does not wet the surfaces […]

The ignition of an electric bus

(4) | 27/05/2021 | 0 comments

A decommissioned electric bus exploded in the Chinese city of Pai. In a few seconds, nearby electric buses were also engulfed in flames.

The rocket located the target

(1) | 27/05/2021 | 0 comments

Launching a large firework at a party in Bangladesh. The rocket went very high, but landed at almost the same point.

A new version of the trilogy

(13) | 27/05/2021 | 0 comments

Y Toy has discovered a new version of the famous thriller game. Circles and crosses are replaced by pawns of different sizes that can cover a smaller opponent pawn., thus adding an additional difficulty […]

The construction of a tiny room

(9) | 27/05/2021 | 0 comments

Japanese Mizukoshi Kiyotaka and Nakamura Yuka make stunning miniature miniatures. Here they show us how they built a small children's room in the hole of a wall.

Yoga with a dog

(9) | 27/05/2021 | 0 comments

Mary and Secret, an Australian Shepherd, do a short yoga session.

They tried to rescue a guinea pig

(7) | 27/05/2021 | 1 comment

A family tries to rescue a guinea pig that has fallen into a hole. A woman manages to grab it and then bring it to the surface. Once the rodent has been released, a dog […]

Why some countries are poor and others rich

(23) | 26/05/2021 | 2 comments

What are the characteristics that separate rich from poor countries; The riches each country depends on many things, including the quality of State institutions, the culture, natural resources and latitude. […]

The workers had a very difficult day

(10) | 26/05/2021 | 0 comments

A group of workers laying cement on a sidewalk, they see four times their work being destroyed when a dog, a rooster and two children, walk on fresh cement.

The latter did not succeed

(12) | 26/05/2021 | 0 comments

The Indians usually want to ignore the ramps that fall on the level crossing. In the city of Udvada, India, although the ramps close for almost a minute before the train passes, there was someone who wanted to […]

The driver of a Tesla who was sleeping is arrested by the police

(7) | 26/05/2021 | 0 comments

In Wisconsin of the United States , Police stopped the driver of a Tesla car because he was asleep having activated the autopilot. The policeman saw the driver with his head to the side and his eyes closed […]

Video call in Thailand

(12) | 26/05/2021 | 0 comments

A new video calling technology being tested in Thailand.

Renovation of old piping with an original system

(14) | 26/05/2021 | 1 comment

This is an alternative to the natural replacement of old pipes. A hose-like balloon is coated with epoxy resin, and is fed into the existing duct with compressed air. This resin hardens to about one […]

Appearances are deceiving

(18) | 26/05/2021 | 1 comment

The TikTok user princxssglitterhead, She was challenged when she presented herself without her prosthetic teeth and without makeup. Many believed that he was a different person. But in this video he shows how […]

Do not do whatever a celebrity tells you

(9) | 26/05/2021 | 0 comments

Actress Anne Hathaway pranks the audience of 'The Ellen Show' with a tangerine.