Proper floodproof construction (Austria)

Storm Boris brought an almost unprecedented deluge to parts of Austria, of the Czech Republic, of Hungary, of Poland, of Romania and Slovakia [...]

Flash flood

A river suddenly floods while someone is recording video with their cell phone.

Extracting a pearl from a shell

(10) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

The way a pearl is extracted from a shell. Pearl is a hard material produced from the soft tissues of live shellfish.. When a grain of sand or a pest enters […]

Clint Eastwood and the revolver

(11) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

Someone gives actor Clint Eastwood an 1872 Colt Peacemaker revolver, a gun he carried in the 1964 film A Fistful of Dollars. The 90-year-old Clint Eastwood will do some legendary tricks […]

Excavator for special missions

(9) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

An excavator made like a crane, to work in places where close access is not possible.

Test of the Stipa-Caproni experimental aircraft (1933)

(7) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

Stο Stipa-Caproni, was an experimental Italian aircraft designed in 1932 by Luigi Stipa and built by Caproni. It had a hollow barrel-shaped shaft with the engine and propeller surrounded […]

The cuckoo with his hands

(4) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

The cuckoo Tapera naevia lives in the forests of Mexico, of Trinidad, of Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina. When he 'dances' to attract his mate, this bird spreads its black wings, that […]

Morning walk for disabled dogs

(6) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

The Man That Rescues Dogs shelter in Chonburi Province, Thailand, takes care of dogs with special needs. Most of them are victims of various accidents. He currently cares for 600 dogs, 28 of which […]

How to remove a screw stuck to a wood

(3) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

A technique for removing a screw that does not come out of a piece of wood. Just screw a second screw over the first screw, which uses the thread of the second to come out […]

An airplane collides with a hangar

(2) | 23/05/2021 | 0 comments

Monday, August 24, 2020 near Toronto, Canada, a trainee pilot landed at Buttonville Airport in a Cessna 172M, but lost control of his plane and crashed into a hangar. […]

Do not disturb a dog you do not know

(19) | 21/05/2021 | 3 comments

A man unprovokedly hits a dog with a branch. Furious, the dog will respond to the attack.

A child on the luggage carrier of an airport

(4) | 21/05/2021 | 0 comments

Saturday, May 1, 2021 at St-Paul International Airport in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a 9-year-old boy slipped out of his mother's eyes and into a luggage compartment for a ride on the leash […]

Do not get my car dirty

(20) | 21/05/2021 | 0 comments

A girl makes the mistake of getting her boyfriend's car dirty by stepping into the passenger seat.

An armadillo with reinforced armor

(7) | 21/05/2021 | 0 comments

The armadillo Tolypeutes tricinctus that lives in Brazil, has the perfect shield on his body. It can be turned into a fully protected ball, something that ordinary armadillos can not do.

Dad look!

(9) | 21/05/2021 | 0 comments

A father with his toddler on a scooter, dragged by a car carrier to a scary scene. As if by miracle, the little one comes out safe under the trailer of the truck. Very […]

Painting with psychedelic effects

(13) | 21/05/2021 | 0 comments

Artist Claudia Bueno uses 60 glass panels to achieve this psychedelic art style with light.

The superhero is coming!

(6) | 21/05/2021 | 0 comments

A little boy imitates a superhero wearing gloves and goggles. He will start with his super speed to face the bad guys, but will have a small accident.