The collective intelligence of ants

A recent study from the Weizmann Institute of Science compared the ability of ants and humans to collectively move a bulky object in [...]

On a chicken farm in China

On a chicken farm in China, a woman has to very quickly pack the eggs that come from a transport machine.

The unfortunate spectator

(6) | 05/06/2024 | 0 comments

Young people play soccer in a neighborhood, when suddenly the ball hits a spectator sitting on a paddock.

The police try to open a door

(7) | 31/05/2024 | 0 comments

Special police forces in France use a special piston rod, which gets caught in the frame and pushes the door with too much force to open it. But this particular metal door […]

Realistic tank simulator

(13) | 31/05/2024 | 0 comments

Red deer blyat channel users (red deer blyat) from China, built a fairly realistic tank simulator consisting of two controls/cranks, a recoil cannon, and a VR helmet.

Death awaits a motorcyclist

(9) | 31/05/2024 | 0 comments

A motorcyclist sees time stand still, just as it is about to collide with a truck. Grace is waiting for him around the corner... Although quite realistic, the video is digital CGI created by […]

Man with suspended driver's license joins his trial while driving

(4) | 31/05/2024 | 0 comments

Michigan judge stunned when defendant appeared in court remotely while driving. 'Okay, so maybe i'm not understanding something. This is driving with a suspended license;” said Judge Cedric Simpson. 'And just […]

A drone films Minnesota's hockey rink

(11) | 30/05/2024 | 0 comments

A camera drone captures some spectacular footage as it flies over the field of the Minnesota Wild hockey team in Minnesota, United States.

When a security camera is necessary

(14) | 29/05/2024 | 0 comments

A man works some football magic, to throw a box into a garbage can.

Roulette in 16 moves

(3) | 29/05/2024 | 0 comments

A little girl is playing chess with her dad, but she uses her own rules when her dad 'eats' a pawn.

Installation of a transparent LED screen on glass

(9) | 27/05/2024 | 0 comments

The company Reefilm is a manufacturer of flexible transparent film LED screens. Here he shows us how to install them on large glass panels.

The cow returns from her walk

(9) | 27/05/2024 | 0 comments

A cow that has learned to open a door with its horns, returns after the ride to its owner.

With sea view'

(9) | 27/05/2024 | 0 comments

Tourist in Italy rented Airbnb advertised with 'sea view'. He actually had a large poster stuck on the building across the street.

How many men does it take to fold a cart?;

(5) | 27/05/2024 | 0 comments

Three men struggle to fold a collapsible baby carriage. Will they succeed;

Give me something worth it

(2) | 27/05/2024 | 0 comments

A macaque is very picky about the food offered to it by a human.

Lightning reflexes from an F2 driver

(1) | 27/05/2024 | 0 comments

On Friday 24 May 2024 during the F2 qualifying in Monaco, driver Isack Hadjar avoided a collision thanks to his lightning reflexes. While doing a quick lap to set […]

Team effort

(6) | 24/05/2024 | 0 comments

A dog helps push a truck.