A little wolf is rescued from the snow

A man rescued a small wolf that was found almost dead and frozen in the snow, and raised him as a pet.

When you are a householder…

Masterwork in a park with an excavator. The operator very regularly compares his tools after the job is done.

Piano talent

(9) | 25/09/2023 | 0 comments

A cat tests its musical skills on a piano.

He made the necessary corrections

(7) | 25/09/2023 | 0 comments

A cat makes the necessary adjustments to a cardboard box to adapt it to its needs.

The foundations of a nuclear power plant

(8) | 25/09/2023 | 0 comments

The amount of steel used in the composition of the foundations of a nuclear power plant is enormous. Concrete and steel foundations play a central role in supporting the reactor vessel, of cooling systems and in […]

Star Wars in 1923

(5) | 25/09/2023 | 0 comments

Using MidJourney and Pika Labs AI software, videographer Doggy Pledger created images of what Star Wars would have looked like if it had been filmed in 1923.

Making a Wakizashi sword from a rusted iron chain

(13) | 21/09/2023 | 0 comments

The video of forging a rusty chain link, and turning it into a wakizashi, a kind of Japanese sword.

Childhood memories

(12) | 21/09/2023 | 0 comments

You can finally buy the Danish cookies in the tin, like what our grandmothers had;

Testing safety sensors on a cutting machine

(12) | 21/09/2023 | 0 comments

Testing the anti-accident sensor on a hydraulic cutting machine.

Professional filming

(10) | 20/09/2023 | 0 comments

With the help of a friend, a man captures a nice close-up of remote control cars racing around a track.

Unusual diary

(18) | 20/09/2023 | 0 comments

Human influence and climate change in three timelapses

(10) | 20/09/2023 | 0 comments

A timelapse of 37 years in regions of the Earth, showing the drastic effects of climate change and human behavior: Dubai, Greenland and Mato Grosso (Amazon forest, Brazil).

Wasps on the defensive

(8) | 20/09/2023 | 0 comments

Wasps go into defensive mode and prepare to respond to warning signals produced by sounds and vibrations. These signals do not only serve as warnings, but also as stimuli that can […]

Fish cleans a diver's teeth

(8) | 20/09/2023 | 0 comments

A cleaner fish (Labroids halved) enters a diver's mouth and cleans his teeth as he stands still.