A girl imitates an ostrich

This girl in Japan successfully imitates an ostrich, and the real ostriches are confused by the new member of the company.

Animated metal sculptures

William Galetti creates some impressive moving metal welding sculptures.

Drunk women trying to open beer cans on their head

(6) | 25/06/2019 | 0 comments

Two drunk women try to open beer cans with their heads to do the famous 'shotgun'. Unfortunately, They will fail hopelessly.

Speed radar against extinguisher

(15) | 25/06/2019 | 0 comments

In the city of Yevpatoriya Russia, the driver of a red Audi was stopped on the way to spray a fire extinguisher with a speed radar on a tripod and the car of the person responsible. In Russia, They are private […]

Exercise for a lion escape in Japan

(7) | 25/06/2019 | 0 comments

Zoo Tobe Zoo Tobe city of Iponias, It is an annual exercise to capture a lion that has escaped from the enclosure. The role of the lion, He is a man with a […]

Grandfather is ready for battle

(10) | 25/06/2019 | 0 comments

A woman in South Aftiki scares her husband wearing a mask. The man will get a big fright, and he is ready to punched scary monster.

The snake that tried to eat himself

(11) | 25/06/2019 | 0 comments

A royal snake (Lampropeltis holbrooki) in the United States Texas tries to eat its tail, thinking that this is another snake. Royal snakes in nature, others eat them like. Alcohol irritates […]

The 'rescue' of an excavator

(13) | 25/06/2019 | 0 comments

In an open mine in Russia, an excavator 720 tonnes trapped on an island between two water streams. The workers began a rescue operation and filled with gravel in a stream to enable […]

Vasily Kamotsky slaps a watermelon

(14) | 23/06/2019 | 0 comments

Ο Vasily Kamotsky, Russian farmer in Siberia and champion of world championship Slap, make exercise a watermelon. When he comes in contact with the hand, watermelon explodes. Now imagine the heads of competitors […]

Policemen on motorcycles against skaters

(17) | 23/06/2019 | 2 comments

During the event Go Skateboarding Day Friday, June 21, 2019 in Bogota, Colombia, several hundred skateboarders met downtown. Two policemen on motorcycles were present to check […]

Mother saves baby son before falling from 4th floor

(17) | 23/06/2019 | 0 comments

In Medellín, Colombia, a mother grasping little son last moment before falling into the void in a stairwell.

Large explosion at an oil refinery

(2) | 23/06/2019 | 0 comments

A large fire broke out at an oil refinery in Philadelphia on the east coast of the United States in the early morning Friday 21/6, causing the closure of nearby roads by local authorities. A large […]

Technique to listen music with your cell phone in a construction site

(17) | 23/06/2019 | 0 comments

These workers have discovered a clever system to listen to music from a distance with a mobile.

Truck drags a car in a tunnel

(5) | 23/06/2019 | 2 comments

On Thursday 6 June 2019 in Marseille, France, a truck driver did not give attention to the mirror blind spots of, as changing lane in a tunnel. The truck dragged a car […]

motorized goalkeeper

(16) | 23/06/2019 | 0 comments

In an amateur football match in Brazil, a goalkeeper has been pushed in the box to run a corner. Then he uses a machine to return quickly to the end of.

Playing Yann Tiersen with feet on a big piano

(6) | 23/06/2019 | 0 comments

The duo The Great Plan play the classic piece “Comptine d`un autre ete” on a grand piano. Excerpt from the Mirabilia Festival in Italy.

A beginner cook frying potatoes

(10) | 22/06/2019 | 0 comments

Here we see a novice cook using the famous 'throw the potatoes and run' technique, in order to avoid the hot oil. Music: DragonForce – Through The Fire And Flames.