A little wolf is rescued from the snow

A man rescued a small wolf that was found almost dead and frozen in the snow, and raised him as a pet.

When you are a householder…

Masterwork in a park with an excavator. The operator very regularly compares his tools after the job is done.

The mechanical ring

(21) | 18/03/2023 | 0 comments

A jeweler makes an original diamond ring, whose two outer sides rotate with gears.

Funny belly dance

(16) | 18/03/2023 | 0 comments

A pregnant mom does a funny dance to entertain her kids.

The dog doesn't want his pill

(13) | 17/03/2023 | 0 comments

Someone gives his dog his medicine, along with a piece of banana. The dog will manage to eat the banana, without swallowing the pill.

Thanks dude!

(19) | 17/03/2023 | 0 comments

A sloth looks like it's saying thank you to a human, who helped his little one up the tree.

Short film, shot exclusively with a drone

(12) | 17/03/2023 | 0 comments

A short story shot in one long shot entirely by fpv drone by Emil Khaziev and Mikhail Parkhomenko.

Airplane landing on a helipad

(13) | 17/03/2023 | 1 comment

Pilot Luke Czepiela lands a plane on the world-famous helipad atop the Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, of Dubai's iconic seven-star hotel. To land on the 27 meter diameter helipad, did more […]

Making a briefcase from bamboo

(7) | 16/03/2023 | 0 comments

Japanese craftsman Hideaki Hosokawa shows us the various stages of making a bamboo briefcase. After working at a company in Tokyo from the age of 20 to 31, Hideaki Hosokawa entered […]


(14) | 15/03/2023 | 1 comment

A piece of furniture that turns from a sofa into a dining table and bed.


(15) | 15/03/2023 | 0 comments

Bismuth is a very heavy but brittle metal, which melts at 271 degrees Celsius. During its coagulation, bismuth makes for some impressive squared, brightly colored crystals.

When the workers of a shipyard in China finish work

(8) | 15/03/2023 | 0 comments

At the end of their work, hundreds of workers at a shipyard in China flood the street with their scooters.

How to bring a piano up to the 1st floor

(15) | 15/03/2023 | 0 comments

The method of a group of carriers, to raise a grand piano to the first floor of an apartment building.

A baby meets her mom's twin sister

(11) | 15/03/2023 | 0 comments

A baby's reaction to meeting her mom's twin sister for the first time.

The perfect escape plan

(11) | 15/03/2023 | 0 comments

A small dog devises a clever way to escape a fence.

The billboard of shame

(7) | 15/03/2023 | 0 comments

On certain roads in China, a very special measure has been implemented to deal with pedestrians with delinquent behavior. If you cross the road on red or outside the crosswalk, the facial recognition system detects and displays you […]