Dog runs after the ambulance carrying its owner

A dog runs after the ambulance that has just picked up its owner. The ambulance stops after a while, and a member of his crew opens it [...]

When a cat adopts you

In an animal shelter a boy went to choose a cat, but rather the opposite happened and a cat chose him as its owner.

Don't joke with a train

(16) | 30/12/2022 | 0 comments

A man in India stands on train tracks gesturing to the driver and forcing him to stop the train. But he did not foresee the punishment that the driver reserved for him.

A moose sheds its antlers

(7) | 30/12/2022 | 0 comments

A security camera in Alaska captured the moment a moose sheds both of its antlers at the same time. Moose usually shed their antlers every year after the mating season. Sometimes it can […]

When you take your dog for a walk in -35°C

(13) | 30/12/2022 | 0 comments

On December 22, 2022 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the temperature outside was -35°C. Shreddy the dog wanted to go out for a walk. His owner put on his coat and […]

ATM thieves

(7) | 28/12/2022 | 0 comments

In an ATM booth in Russia, two thieves watch a woman make a withdrawal. One sees the pin typing and distracts the woman, while his partner comes to […]

The rescue of a newborn squirrel

(14) | 28/12/2022 | 0 comments

Ron found a newborn squirrel on the side of the road and took it home to save it. The vet believes his mother abandoned him because of a mouth deformity. The […]

Dueling with hammers

(12) | 28/12/2022 | 0 comments

Inventor William Galetti made a very fun toy with two hand-held metal figures, which hold metal hammers. A soft drink can is placed in the head position, and the object of the game is to hit […]

From one stop to another

(10) | 28/12/2022 | 0 comments

A man will try to get off at a tram stop, and run to catch it up to the next one.

A 2-year-old boy watches a match with his dad

(18) | 28/12/2022 | 0 comments

A little 2 year old boy is watching a match with his dad on TV, but he has the wrong reaction as soon as a goal is scored.

A deaf boy talks to Santa Claus

(7) | 27/12/2022 | 0 comments

In a mall in Brasilia, Brazil, a deaf boy meets a Santa who can speak in sign language.

Help a hummingbird

(9) | 27/12/2022 | 0 comments

In Oregon, United States, a man encounters a hummingbird with its beak wedged on the stem of a plant.

A horse realizes something

(13) | 27/12/2022 | 1 comment

A horse suddenly realizes that it is stronger than a man.

Truck driver does not want to be overtaken by anyone

(16) | 27/12/2022 | 0 comments

On December 23, 2022 on Highway 57 in Mexico, a truck was caught on video zigzagging down the road to avoid being overtaken. In the video, a car and a truck can be seen testing […]

The rescue of a trapped cat

(14) | 25/12/2022 | 0 comments

In the city of Doncaster East, Australia, a cat wedged between the walls of two buildings for 36 hours, without being able to get out. Rescuers came to extricate her by opening a hole in the wall.

Professional towing

(8) | 25/12/2022 | 0 comments

Towing a car out of a ditch did not end well.

Timelapse of a 3D printer

(9) | 22/12/2022 | 0 comments

3D prints during their printing in timelapse.