Dog runs after the ambulance carrying its owner

A dog runs after the ambulance that has just picked up its owner. The ambulance stops after a while, and a member of his crew opens it [...]

When a cat adopts you

In an animal shelter a boy went to choose a cat, but rather the opposite happened and a cat chose him as its owner.

Politeness lessons at a school in Japan

(19) | 10/12/2022 | 5 comments

In a Kindergarten in Japan, children learn to be polite and give up their seat when on the bus.

A walrus whistling and playing the harmonica

(4) | 10/12/2022 | 0 comments

A talented walrus who has learned to whistle and play the harmonica.

When your city is too clean

(15) | 10/12/2022 | 0 comments

In the city of Shimabara, Japan, the streets are so clean that they host hundreds of koi fish in the gutters.

The suit with the mirrors in the World Cup

(8) | 10/12/2022 | 0 comments

At the Education City Stadium in Doha during the World Cup before the match Brazil vs Croatia, viewers saw a Brazilian fan in an original uniform with mirrors. The fan was […]

Woman forgets to start the car during a driving test

(2) | 09/12/2022 | 0 comments

After 20 hours of driving lessons, Ziona chose to take a mock driving test (a driving test before the final test) with Pin Binning from DGN Driving School. He sits behind […]

A strange train

(6) | 09/12/2022 | 0 comments

At a military airfield in Switzerland, two F/A-18 Hornets have to cross a public road to get to their hangar.

Impressive drone handling

(12) | 09/12/2022 | 0 comments

A drone operator pilots his high-speed small aircraft inside a multi-storey car park.

Training on opening a stuck door

(11) | 09/12/2022 | 0 comments

A firefighter is trained to open a stuck door.

The helper rabbit

(11) | 09/12/2022 | 0 comments

In a store in Arkansas, United States, a rabbit helps the cashier with the customers.

Grooming a neglected dog

(14) | 08/12/2022 | 0 comments

A dog that appears to be a Schnauzer was found in poor condition and appears to have been neglected for several years. A dog groomer gives him a haircut and a bath.

Orangutan wears a man's jacket

(9) | 08/12/2022 | 0 comments

On November 24, 2022 during a visit to the Dubai Zoo, a man met an orangutan who wanted his jacket. The orangutan decided he wanted to try on his cardigan […]

Lava in the snow

(7) | 07/12/2022 | 0 comments

The Etna volcano in Sicily erupted on Monday, December 5 at an altitude of 2800 meters, and a lava flow flowed down the snowy mountain.

How to exit the parking lot in style

(11) | 07/12/2022 | 0 comments

On December 2, 2022 in Taylor, Canada, a motorist pulled out of the snowy driveway of his garage by accidentally drifting in the right direction.

A pilot wakes up his wife in the plane

(7) | 07/12/2022 | 0 comments

With his wife sleeping in the back of a plane, a pilot thought to play a prank on her. It performs a brief free fall that puts the plane in microgravity.

A mother cat re-makes the bed her kitten messed up

(16) | 07/12/2022 | 0 comments

In a bedroom, a kitten makes a bed while playing on it. Mama cat climbs onto the bed to argue with her kitten, while then putting the sheet back in its place.