Drunken thief

A drunken man attempts to steal a bottle of alcohol from a supermarket.

Automatic parking with a byd Denza Z9 GT

Byd Denza Z9 GT EV is manufactured by byd Auto, a Chinese car industry, In collaboration with the Denza brand, a joint venture between BYD and [...]

Ellinaras pedestrian against the United States

(20) | 05/08/2017 | 12 comments

Conflict between a driver and a pedestrian, after a rather little accident. The pedestrian blames the driver Greek origin that did not stop and threatened to hit him.

Daredevil speargun attacked by two sharks

(7) | 05/08/2017 | 10 comments

The waters between New Zealand and the island of Ascension, a bold speargun catches a ton, but two sharks who sniffed its prey attack.

Cat adopts eight newborn hedgehogs

(15) | 05/08/2017 | 1 comment

In the zoo safari park Seaside city Vladivostok-Nakhodka in Russia, a cat became a mother for eight orphaned hedgehogs. The natural mother of small hedgehog died, while at that time they were still blind and could not […]

The playful octopus

(9) | 05/08/2017 | 0 comments

As he dived in Crete, the diver Tim Dunn met a very playful octopus, something he says he had not seen before.

New method of throwing holy water

(10) | 04/08/2017 | 5 comments

A priest innovate, by throwing holy water using a sprayer.

Helicopter crash during rescue mission

(5) | 04/08/2017 | 0 comments

On August 1, 2017 in Mount Grossglockner Austria, a helicopter pilot lost control of your aircraft and crashed. Strong wind gusts will be the cause of the incident. This is the second time […]

Elephant vs. goose

(8) | 04/08/2017 | 0 comments

In Hogle Zoo garden in Salt Lake City United States, a young elephant harassed by a goose in his sleeve, and tries to challenge in any way.

Fight on the road with unexpected finale

(10) | 04/08/2017 | 0 comments

You'll never guess what happens at the end.

Greeting with cat

(9) | 04/08/2017 | 0 comments

A man greets his cat with a high-five and then a fist bump (Fist bump).

Violent motorcycle collision with car

(10) | 04/08/2017 | 3 comments

On Monday, July 24th at 10:40 am, the 24 year old Danny Raj Muniappan and 21 year old passenger Trivikram RL moving motorcycle on a highway in Singapore, when they collided with a car that had stopped on the road. By […]

School bike-bus in Netherlands

(17) | 04/08/2017 | 3 comments

In the city of Nijmegen, the Netherlands, the children go to their extracurricular activities with bike-buses. It is a mini bus that goes with pedal. An adult controls the vehicle steering wheel and each student makes […]

There are two types of cats

(12) | 03/08/2017 | 0 comments

A video that shows our two feline species that we can find. On the one normal cat, and the other cat with mental disorders.

Journalist receives punch drunk

(5) | 03/08/2017 | 0 comments

Wednesday 2 August 2017, a journalist of the Russian NTV television station was hit by a drunk man during a live broadcast. The young journalist was in Gorky Park in Moscow, when a visibly […]

Hiker facing a grizzly bear with her cubs

(13) | 03/08/2017 | 1 comment

The Geoffrey Glassner did hiking in Katmai National Park, a US National Park in southwest Alaska, when confronted by a grizzly bear and two cubs in a path. The family of bears […]

Sardines against predators

(16) | 02/08/2017 | 1 comment

As large flocks of sardines migrate during summer, a plurality of prey concentrated around the. seals, seabirds, Dolphins, tons, sharks and whales, all rush to grab a delicious meal. Under water, […]