When you lock a construction worker's wheel
In Ireland, a wheel lock is attached to a construction worker's truck, but ultimately it is not very effective. The man will use a wheel to cut the lock in seconds.
A very brave man during a robbery
The heroic reaction of a man sitting with a woman in a restaurant, when a robber bursts in with a gun... The man immediately gets up and leaves, leaving the woman alone.
Fire on rolls of packing foam in warehouse
On August 22, 2022 at a warehouse in Huizhou, China, one man was very curious to see what happens if he sets fire to a piece of packing foam. The roll caught fire almost immediately and […]
The prankster of the sea
A seal scares a man on a pier, as he tries to get her attention.
The eternal bearer
A man makes a funny joke to his friend at work, as they carry bottles of soft drinks.
Quick trap for mosquitoes
In the yard of his house in Rio de Janeiro, a man found the right solution to get rid of the mosquito. He put water in a plastic container, and brought it close to the light.
The guardian ball
A man moves a stone ball to get out of a parking lot without paying. But the stone ball does not tolerate illegalities.
The gun jammed during the assassination attempt on Argentina's vice president
Argentina's vice president narrowly escapes life after man's gun jammed, pointed at her head and pulled the trigger. The shot shows the moment Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was found […]
What happened guys?;
In Ankara, Turkey, a truck runs a red light at an intersection. A garbage truck coming from the perpendicular road collides heavily with the truck, and a man in the back of the truck is ejected […]
A policeman rescues a dog whose leash got caught in the elevator
In Beer-Sheva in Israel, a police officer stepped out of his building's elevator and noticed a dog on a leash following him without its owner. The doors closed blocking the harness, and the elevator […]
When you want to help with your mobile phone in hand
In the parking lot of a store in the United States, a man tries to fit a newly purchased television into the trunk of his car. But the moment he lowers the rear seats to fit […]
Removing a nest of wasps on a tree (fail)
A man attempts to remove a wasp nest from a tree in his garden. She will try to place the nest inside a sack which she holds onto a metal one […]
A child finds his dad with the help of the crowd
On Saturday, August 20, 2022 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Juan Cruz, a tad, cried as he lost his dad Eduardo in Dorrego Square during a concert. Then, a man […]
The robot that makes hot dogs
A man gives an order to a robot that makes hot dogs. But the robot fails to put the sausage on the bread and serves only the sausage, without bread and without packaging.