Browsing all posts tagged with suddenly

Who eats the apples in my garden;

(11) | 18/01/2020 | 0 comments

The owner of a house set up a camera in the garden to see who eats fruits in country house. A woodchuck suddenly appears in front of the lens chewing an apple.

Car collides with the wheel of a tractor

(5) | 07/12/2019 | 0 comments

In the city Gubkinsky Russia, a tractor is driven on a road when suddenly the wheel is detached and falls onto a passing car oncoming.

Tank explosion at a petrol station

(11) | 07/12/2019 | 0 comments

The tank of a service station in Medina, Saudi Arabia suddenly explodes.

The automatic pilot of a Tesla avoids a family of ducks

(15) | 18/11/2019 | 0 comments

On November 11 in Gisborne, New Zealand, the owner of a Tesla electric car driving on a country road, when a family of ducks suddenly appeared in front of. The car's autopilot was activated and […]

Drive avoids the accident impressively

(18) | 31/10/2019 | 1 Comment

On October 28, 2019 in a street in the United States, a driver lost his attention for one second. The car in front of him turned suddenly to the left to avoid collision with […]

Military truck accelerated suddenly

(8) | 29/10/2019 | 0 comments

During the protests in Chile, a truck carrying soldiers accelerates sharply. Two soldiers sit in the back of the vehicle fall on the road, causing laughter protesters.

Tree falls on house

(5) | 24/10/2019 | 0 comments

On Thursday, October 17, 2019 in Maryland United States, The Mariah Ashley Stone and watching TV with their dog Gizmo when a tree fell suddenly at home, causing the collapse […]

And then they say that the gym is good for your health

(8) | 17/10/2019 | 0 comments

In a gym in California, a Mercedes SUV suddenly passes through the glass front of a gym and hitting a man who was ready to run on treadmill.

Three schoolgirls are suddenly frightened (Malaysia)

(6) | 15/10/2019 | 0 comments

In Malaysia, three students record a video for the lesson of chemistry when suddenly something will scare. A male monkey, appears and climbs onto the table.

Driver falls asleep at the wheel

(13) | 08/10/2019 | 1 Comment

While the passenger sleeping beside him, an elderly would fall asleep while driving his car on a freeway in the United States. The vehicle leaves the road, wakes suddenly the passenger and driver, […]

Cross falls on a drummer

(9) | 26/09/2019 | 0 comments

In a church in Illinois United States, a band playing music when suddenly a large wooden cross falls on drummer. Fortunately not injured.

When the neighbors are partying

(10) | 25/09/2019 | 2 Comments

The Youtuber Ali J but do makeup demonstration in her apartment, when suddenly interrupted by neighbors who make a party. Ένα διασκεδαστικό μοντάζ που έκανε ο χρήστης “The House of the Dank” […]

Sign almost causes a serious accident

(7) | 21/09/2019 | 0 comments

A billboard falls suddenly on the road to Magnitogorsk city in Russia. Instinctively trying to avoid it, the driver of the truck was almost collided with a car coming from the opposite direction.

An oven explodes in a kitchen

(6) | 19/09/2019 | 0 comments

A bakery suddenly explodes in a kitchen, while two women cook. Fortunately, not injured.

Your cat has been turned off

(5) | 05/09/2019 | 0 comments

A cat that probably suffers from narcolepsy, suddenly falls asleep while receiving the caresses owner.