Browsing all posts tagged with game

The bloodthirsty always attack

(26) | 24/04/2018 | 0 comments

In a game park in China, three young always want to play consistently with their carer and does not leave anything to leave.

Cathedral plays songs of Avicii

(10) | 21/04/2018 | 0 comments

The bell tower of the Cathedral of Saint Martin in Utrecht, Holland, playing three songs of Avicii as a tribute to the Swedish DJ who died yesterday aged 28.

Ancient Aztec whistle sounds like a cry of anguish

(20) | 19/04/2018 | 1 Comment

When small objects form the skull found by archaeologists decades ago a church in Mexico, They considered simple toys or ornaments and stored. However, years later, experts found that they were 'death whistles' that […]

A pet fox and a German shepherd dog playing together

(15) | 18/04/2018 | 0 comments

In US Florida, a pet fox playing with a dog running in a garden. Fox loves to hide in a small tunnel created by the owners of.

Extreme games with Dad

(12) | 18/04/2018 | 0 comments

A father entertains his daughter with a pretty dangerous game. Then his mom puts the voices.

An elephant uses rain

(7) | 18/04/2018 | 0 comments

During a rain in Thailand, an elephant took the opportunity to play running over a pit with water.

Lonely dog ​​asks to play with passersby

(12) | 16/04/2018 | 0 comments

A Border Kolei behind the bars of a court, playing with two passersby asking to throw an object.

14 pianists at a piano

(4) | 13/04/2018 | 0 comments

In a piano concerto, 14 students of a conservatory will play the pieces 'Night of Nights' and 'Death Waltz', which are synthesized by Midi and can not be played by a single pianist. the 14 […]

The automatic table for Mahjong game

(7) | 09/04/2018 | 0 comments

This video shows how an automatic table works for the famous game Mahjong, which shuffles the tiles and distributes to four players.

A small child was almost severely hit in an accident at home

(8) | 06/04/2018 | 2 Comments

A small child playing by opening the drawers of a dresser. But the furniture will be overthrown by weight, and almost fall on the toddler manages to escape for a few centimeters.

Kitten trying to eat a dog

(24) | 04/04/2018 | 1 Comment

This kitten wanted to play, and decided to awaken a Labrador biting his face.

Bulldogs vs. bloodthirsty chihuahua

(13) | 03/04/2018 | 0 comments

A large bulldog playing very cautiously with a small puppy chihuahua.

Kittens in slow motion

(5) | 31/03/2018 | 0 comments

The Gav from Slow Mo Guys records some cute kittens playing in slow motion, Phantom using two cameras.

The dog play dead

(37) | 29/03/2018 | 0 comments

This Chihuahua found the best solution against those people who dislikes. Just kokalwnei and pretending the dead.

The Mexican swing

(11) | 26/03/2018 | 0 comments

In a school in Mexico Chihuahua, Four children playing in a strange swing like windmill. Children with careful and synchronized movements manage to spin this wooden cot just shaking […]