Dog freezes and remains motionless when it is the vet
A dog is paralyzed and remains kokalomenos from fear of, every time lying on the bench of veterinarian.
Two in love dogs in front of the fireplace
Two dogs sitting in front of a fireplace and make fondling each other. great love!
The dog is behind the planter
The Tasha the dog hiding behind a pot when the boss is looking for him to return home.
Watering dog
Archer, a German shepherd who lives in Australia, loves spraying water. Every time the boss watering plants, running and standing beside them awaiting turn.
The dog understood that deceived
The funny style of a dog when ripped from his boss.
You like your new game;
A dog Shiba Inu responds with excessive enthusiasm of the owner,, when he asks about his new game.
How to stop a dog running
During competition ekapidefsis dogs in Marbach am Neckar, Germany, a man orders his dog to run and then stop. The German shepherd suddenly 'brakes' and slides on the grass.
How to play with the dog and the cat simultaneously
How can you play with the dog and the cat simultaneously; This man found the solution by tying a piece of string to an object.
Blind Dog leads owner of a shop for dogs
New Jersey United Politeeion, The 20-year old Daniel and the Thai guide dog stroll on the road, when suddenly the dog deviate the course in order to get into a toy store […]
The dog bites the tail of the cat
A small dog playing by biting and pulling the tail of a cat, which does not seem to be bothered.
When you want to wash your car, but got a dog
A man in Georgia of the United States is trying to wash his Jeep with the tire, but his dog found opportunity for game.
When your friends are eating and you don't
A dog sits patiently on a sofa, trying not to see two rabbits who eat a cucumber with longing.
A dog care newborn orphaned kittens
Four kittens were found in the street without their mother and then adopted by a family. The family golden retrievers decided to take care of small kittens as if it were his own.
Cats attack dog (China)
In a field in China, a group of stray cats attacking a dog who made walk with his boss.