A dog care newborn orphaned kittens
Four kittens were found in the street without their mother and then adopted by a family. The family golden retrievers decided to take care of small kittens as if it were his own.
Cats attack dog (China)
In a field in China, a group of stray cats attacking a dog who made walk with his boss.
The dog was angry with his boss
The Rodney boxer is angry with the landlady when she left him for a few minutes in the car closed. So, when the woman returned, the ostentatiously ignored.
A pet fox and a German shepherd dog playing together
In US Florida, a pet fox playing with a dog running in a garden. Fox loves to hide in a small tunnel created by the owners of.
A dog swims in the air
A Shiba Inu dog swim in the air before hitting the water. Music: A Flock Of Seagulls – I Ran.
Lonely dog asks to play with passersby
A Border Kolei behind the bars of a court, playing with two passersby asking to throw an object.
When you feed the dog on the table
Grandmother continuously feeding the dog under the table, who seems to wait patiently for the next tidbit. So at lunch time, someone at the table will find the opportunity to make a […]
Kitten trying to eat a dog
This kitten wanted to play, and decided to awaken a Labrador biting his face.
The dog singing Blues
A dog improvise singing blues, accompanied his boss on the piano.
A smart dog on walkway
This dog stood patiently on the sidewalk in front of the crossing, and expect to stop all cars before crossing the road.
A dog does unboxing
In the province of Surrey, UK, a dog opens the box with the dog food that has just arrived in the mail.
The dog play dead
This Chihuahua found the best solution against those people who dislikes. Just kokalwnei and pretending the dead.