Great battle with the end of Christmas
A man tries to throw his Christmas tree, but his two dogs do not agree.
Dog climbs a roof using a ladder
A man was removing Christmas decorations from the roof of his house, and was suddenly found face to face with his dog. Ο Ace, a golden retriever, climbed to the roof using the ladder. In the second part […]
The recoil of the shotgun
A man wants to shoot with a shotgun, without thinking of the strong recoil of the weapon.
How to teach a dog to turn off the light;
A man from Russia explains the process he followed to train his dog, to turn off the light in a room.
The Michael Jackson slap
A man asks his colleague to slap his left hand, to reveal to her a funny dancing figure.
Fight out of nowhere in indoor soccer match
During a indoor soccer match in Germany, a player falls on a door located right next to the playing field. A man behind the door, he enters furiously […]
He tried to save his cargo from the fire
A farmer in China desperately tries to save the straw that starts burning on an overloaded tricycle. But the fire is spreading very fast, and the man's effort is in vain.
How silencers actually sound (John Wick)
Youtuber Cameron Bryce had the idea to replace the silencer sound effects in John Wick 2 with more realistic sound effects. This is a scene in a mall where John […]
A musician from Madagascar plays an improvised guitar
A man in Madagascar plays music with a guitar he has made.
Accident on the stairs
A man goes out on the terrace with his coffee, and tries to go down the wet stairs.
Between life and the shoe
In India, a man tries to cross the train tracks at a station. In the process, his shoe will be gone, which he will try to put on again as the train approaches…
A police officer points his gun at a colleague
On Friday, December 4, 2020 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, a police officer pointed his pistol at a colleague in the middle of the street. The two men were arguing about a shift change that […]
Cyclist kicks a little girl
On Saturday 26 December 2020 in Jalhay, Belgium, A cyclist hit a 5-year-old girl who was on her way on a path, causing it to fall to the ground. According to his father […]
What happens when you sleep with your cat
The timelapse in the room of a man sleeping with his cat. A night that is not very easy.
Snow clearing with a flamethrower
In Kentucky, a man uses a flamethrower to clear snow from the path of his garage.