Truck driver with impressive loading skills
A driver manages to load an overweight bin into his truck, using a clever technique.
Using a clever trick with a mirror, a man seems to have two different faces.
Smart reset
Goran Dragic cleverly brings the ball back over a Poland player, to catch her again and score an easy point. Snapshot from EuroBasket 2022.
Smart machines
A collection of intelligent automatic machines used in modern industry.
Relaxing sledding game
A father invented a clever device to keep his child entertained in the snow without getting tired.
A smart crow wants to drink water
A crow is smart enough to put stones in a pot, until the level rises and he can drink the water.
The wedding video
A clever little video created by a filmmaker at a wedding.
A very clever rat
YouTuber Shawn Woods tries out rat traps and had the chance to film a pretty smart rat. The clever rodent used a stick to disable a mousetrap.
The solution to diaper changing
A dad uses a clever technique to change his baby's diaper and avoid unpleasant smells.
How to get a mouse out of the house
This woman devised a clever technique to get a mouse out of a building with confidence. He made an aisle of packets of water bottles. So the mouse can't escape and to […]
The smart bag from Brazil
A street vendor in Brazil shows a bag consisting of a long strip of fabric and a zipper.
The perfect escape plan
A small dog devises a clever way to escape a fence.