Browsing all posts tagged with man

Seal hunts fish among bathers

(9) | 28/04/2018 | 0 comments

On the beach in Narooma Australia, a seal hunt algae catch a fish without being disturbed by the presence of people.

Spider receives help from a man

(16) | 11/04/2018 | 1 Comment

The Joe Pieczynski by United States Texas, It shows us how a wolf spider leaves to help, After the carpet fibers are tangled around her legs. The spider cooperates […]

The tribe still lives in the Stone Age

(10) | 09/04/2018 | 0 comments

The Sentinelese, a tribe living on the island of North Sentinel near India, It is isolated from the outside world and literally living in the Stone Age. Access to the island is prohibited, and minimal […]

Giraffe breaks a car window

(4) | 09/04/2018 | 1 Comment

In Safari Park West Midland in England, people in a car feeding the giraffes. One of them wanted to put her head in the car and look for food. A girl […]

Some of the most bizarre trades

(2) | 08/04/2018 | 0 comments

as you get older, You are looking to find the most suitable job for you and you look at what university to study. Of course there are some people, who have not finished university, but make money,Once one of you serving, […]

The dog play dead

(37) | 29/03/2018 | 0 comments

This Chihuahua found the best solution against those people who dislikes. Just kokalwnei and pretending the dead.

The science in practice

(9) | 29/03/2018 | 0 comments

O Mikeius visiting the Natural History Museum Goulandris workshops, and shows us the people who are developing science.

The calf walking on two legs

(7) | 26/03/2018 | 1 Comment

A calf born without front legs, He walks like a man while standing upright on its hind legs. The unfortunate animal wandering the small streets of a village in Indonesia.

A selfish argument for how to do our world better

(19) | 19/03/2018 | 0 comments

Why should you care about the welfare of people who are very far away; The Kurzgesagt channel gives us an idea about how we can improve the well-being of all people after […]

Stephen Hawking: People who boast about their IQ are losers

(10) | 16/03/2018 | 0 comments

Excerpt from an interview with Piers Morgan for British TV.

Scary ski lift accident in Georgia

(11) | 16/03/2018 | 1 Comment

On the morning of March 16, 2018, a particularly frightening accident occurred in the ski center Goudaouri Georgia. For some unknown reason, The ski lift suddenly started moving in the opposite direction to complete […]

Car against flooding

(15) | 09/03/2018 | 0 comments

March 6, 2018 – A driver's terrifying race against time during a major flood in Houta Bani Tamim, Saudi Arabia. As many people gathered to watch the possible water […]

The man who built his own power plant in Kenya

(20) | 09/03/2018 | 0 comments

At the beginning, everyone thought that is crazy. But, thanks to the courage, imagination and perseverance, achieved the impossible. Saving money and selling 300 rabbits, the John Magiro Wangare built a mini […]

The Michael Jackson goes shopping at supermarket

(11) | 07/03/2018 | 0 comments

The famous singer has always had the desire to go shopping in a supermarket as an ordinary man, without following the fans or having escorted by bodyguards. 2003, a good friend […]

How eating from the garbage is sold again to the poor (Philippines)

(11) | 24/02/2018 | 0 comments

What happens to the leftovers of restaurants in the Philippines; In the capital Manila, the meat is recycled from landfills, washed and cooked again. Ονομάζεται “pagpag” και πουλιέται στους φτωχότερους ανθρώπους που δεν έχουν την […]