Browsing all posts tagged with man

An abused dog accepts the first caresses by a man

(28) | 31/12/2015 | 3 Comments

When a dog is beaten and injured by people, It is difficult to learn to trust them again. Knowing the abuse throughout his life, this dog scared when a woman tries to […]

Leaking carbon dioxide in city

(4) | 28/12/2015 | 0 comments

Tuesday 22 December 2015, a tank truck carrying carbon dioxide downtown Mainz in Germany, παρουσίασε μια διαρροή και κάλυψε τους δρόμους με ένα παχύ σύννεφο λευκού καπνού.Η […]

The farce of Jaguar virtual reality

(17) | 26/12/2015 | 0 comments

For the presentation of the new model of the F-TYPE in New Zealand, the Jaguar called random people to experience a unique virtual reality simulation in driving the car. But the 'emulator' actually made a real one […]

The controversial farce with the bomb

(18) | 23/12/2015 | 4 Comments

A farce that shows a man dressed like an Arab to casts a suspicious backpack (that supposedly contains a bomb) close to several people in the street, It has divided social media as some of […]

A small boat for awhile avoids collision with tanker

(16) | 22/12/2015 | 1 Comment

Two people with a small boat had anchored in the middle of the ocean. But for bad luck, they were in the path of a tanker. Passengers on another vessel saw the scene, and approached them […]

Man vs. monkey

(17) | 13/12/2015 | 0 comments

In the province of Tsatsoengksao in Thailand, a man found a monkey sitting on the motorcycle and the need of. I tried to remove it by tossing a flip flop, but the monkey […]

The Gorilla who walks like a man

(23) | 10/12/2015 | 0 comments

The gorillas share 95 percent of their DNA with humans, είναι απίστευτα κοινωνικοί και έχουν αρχίσει πρόσφατα το περπάτημα… στα δύο πόδια.Η ικανότητα του περπατήματος στα δύο πόδια είναι σπάνια στους γορίλες, […]

Rescue a dog trapped in frozen river

(19) | 10/12/2015 | 0 comments

A special rescue took place near the town of Yaroslavl in Central Russia. At the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl River in Yaroslavl city there is a large number of accidents each year, involving people passing […]

Living with depression

(34) | 09/12/2015 | 1 Comment

The photographer Katarzyna Napiórkowska created a very nice video that describes the thoughts and feelings of a person with depression. As she says, 'Depression is not something that someone chooses to have and […]

The heroes of 2015

(25) | 08/12/2015 | 0 comments

Beautiful moments of kindness and heroism of ordinary people, during 2015.

Christmas switch

(17) | 03/12/2015 | 0 comments

The Improv Everywhere Group placed a huge switch in Father Demo square in New York, United States. The goal of this prank is to arouse the curiosity of passers-by. With the turn of a switch, […]

The rescue of a dying dog

(34) | 02/12/2015 | 1 Comment

This is the Angel, a dog that was found abandoned and picked up by the animal rescue center 'Rescue From The Heart' in Los Angeles. Many feared that he had no luck as it was incredibly malnourished and […]

Το “Βουνό” σπάει ένα νέο παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ

(6) | 30/11/2015 | 0 comments

Ο Hafpór Julius “Thor” Bjornsson, the strongest man in Europe, είναι γνωστός για το ρόλο του στη σειρά Game of Thrones ως “Το Βουνό”. Recently broke a new world record in tossing a barrel, sending a […]

Hilarious Halloween costume for a dog

(19) | 26/11/2015 | 0 comments

The imagination of some people apparently has no boundary when it comes to disguise their pet. On October 31, 2015 a dog caused a lot of laughter in the city of Petaluma, California, he wore a hilarious Halloween […]

This man loves his job

(29) | 20/11/2015 | 1 Comment

A man in uniform of the bear from the advertising of Coca-Cola, amused with the world that wants to take a photo with him.