Browsing all posts tagged with man

Meeting with the gorillas

(12) | 20/07/2015 | 0 comments

In November 2011 during a mission in Bwindi forest in Uganda, a man was found in the middle of a family of gorillas. Did exactly what,What has been learned, i.e. to sit motionless. Male gorillas have […]

The most deadly animals in the world

(19) | 17/07/2015 | 2 Comments

We all know how dangerous they are or how sharks are vicious lions and crocodiles. But you can guess which animal is actually the most lethal for humans; The answer may […]

Extraordinary people (summer version)

(16) | 14/07/2015 | 0 comments

A nice collection of stunts, swimming and extreme sports in summer atmosphere.

Don't look to the eyes

(18) | 13/07/2015 | 0 comments

The bust of a man is exposed in the lobby of a hotel in Norway. Surrounded by glass, the sculpture is accompanied by a warning: “Μην κοιτάς στα μάτια!”. Μια έκπληξη περιμένει εκείνους που δεν αντιστέκονται στον πειρασμό… Ένα γλυπτό […]

The secret of eternal youth

(12) | 09/07/2015 | 0 comments

Though some lucky people in appearance look much younger for their age, No never managed organic. But this does not mean that it is impossible, explains this recent episode of the web […]

Amazing acrobatic on GTA V

(7) | 08/07/2015 | 0 comments

In the videogame GTA V, the user ash0191 is running an amazing acrobatic with a motorcycle. Will make a giant leap, and will pass through the small hole of an advertising Billboard. Some people have too much free […]

The saddest story, with more happy endings

(31) | 08/07/2015 | 3 Comments

The veterinarian Coutinho Martins Wilson is well-known in Brazil for the animal welfare work. Is a great man, He rescues and helps abandoned, injured and hungry stray animals he finds on the streets. She is a […]

Do you like Ku-Klux-Klan;

(18) | 07/07/2015 | 1 Comment

The olatz (aka KSI) try Evie, a chat program that uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to answer any question and conversing with a man. Asking several things, and […]

You are disgusting

(26) | 04/07/2015 | 0 comments

The Em Ford blogger decided three months ago to publish photos without makeup to show the edge of. Then received many negative and hateful comments. “Τι συμβαίνει με το πρόσωπό σου;”, “Είσαι […]

When the Mad Max ran out of gasoline

(18) | 03/07/2015 | 0 comments

In the distant future, When the war breaks out for fuel, people fighting each other with big and fast cars, but it is not at all cheap. Έτσι κάποια στιγμή τα καύσιμα τελειώνουν…Ένα αστείο σκετς […]

A boy and his dog

(14) | 02/07/2015 | 3 Comments

This very nice ad from Iams dog food company, shows us how valuable can be the bond of friendship between dog and man.

The ultimate racing simulator

(18) | 29/06/2015 | 3 Comments

This car racing simulator made by a Czech company called Elsaco. This model is called 4DOF Extreme 4×4 Panoramic racing simulator. It has three 27-inch HD displays, a steering wheel, three pedals (throttle, brake […]

I am a carrier of AIDS, touch me!

(24) | 26/06/2015 | 1 Comment

In Finland, a man stopped at a busy Park and wrote on a sign: 'I am HIV positive, touch me!”. Motionless, with his eyes closed, wanted to see how I react passers-by. […]

The unsung heroes of science

(14) | 26/06/2015 | 0 comments

Some inspired people who probably have never heard, proving that science can change our world for the better. They devote their time and energy to solve challenges such as pandemics […]

Schäuble: Edit not Drachmas!

(24) | 25/06/2015 | 3 Comments

Tough confrontation between Yanis Varoufakis and Sergei Schäuble, in a very funny montage based on the famous scene from the movie ' What makes man to live».