Browsing all posts tagged with joke

The most funny MMA fighter

(35) | 02/06/2015 | 0 comments

The athlete of UFC MMA, Sean O'Connell, make a lot of jokes and amused by his opponents during the weighing process and the press conference.

Kung Fury: the movie

(10) | 29/05/2015 | 0 comments

Η πολυαναμενόμενη ταινία “Kung Fury” μόλις κυκλοφόρησε. 'Kung Fury' is a funny short film in the style of the 80s, which blends Kung Fu with dinosaurs, Nazis, Viking, robots and mutants(?!). essentially it […]

That will jump to the tooth;

(10) | 29/05/2015 | 0 comments

Μια αστεία σκηνή από την ταινία “Dumb & Dumber To”

Μια αστεία αναπαράσταση της ταινίας “Alien”

(18) | 28/05/2015 | 1 Comment

As it is in his Office in the city Maringka of Brazil, ένας άνδρας αποφασίζει να κάνει μια αναπαράσταση της γνωστής ταινίας “Alien” με ένα συρραπτικό. The stapler is approaching a photo of Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) over the […]

D.. Charitopoulos commenting the Government

(26) | 25/05/2015 | 0 comments

Κατά την διάρκεια της “Συνάντησης Κορυφής” στο βιβλιοπωλείο Ιανός στις 27 Απριλίου, the author Dionisis Charitopoulos did a very funny commentary on the Government.

Drinking water against the wind

(18) | 25/05/2015 | 0 comments

In Iceland, one man made a joke experiment, trying to drink bottled water during a anemothyellas. To show us the power of the wind brings the bottle near the, but the water is not […]

Meanwhile in Russia ...

(14) | 24/05/2015 | 0 comments

Funny video with surreal scenes from Russia.

The same love story: then and now

(13) | 22/05/2015 | 0 comments

Certainly the way someone approaches a woman is very different today, in relation to the seasons of our grandparents. But that would treat a woman now a flirtation with the methods of the past; A […]

When Trasnformers ruining our favorite movies

(12) | 20/05/2015 | 0 comments

The Funny or Die website created a funny montage, starring Michael Bay's Transformers. At the time of their death, the huge robot spread terror and chaos, and have destroyed the […]

Soccer with skiing

(4) | 19/05/2015 | 0 comments

Two groups of skiers from Norway, racing on a funny football match in snow with skis.

A Kart with Jet engine

(11) | 16/05/2015 | 0 comments

The crazy inventor Colin Furze shows us a paranoid (and dangerous) new invention. Ο Furze κατασκεύασε ένα jet-kart – ένα αυτοκίνητο καρτ που κινείται με κινητήρα Jet. As you can see in the video, the […]

When a cat eats ice cream

(9) | 15/05/2015 | 0 comments

The Napo the Tomcat has a funny reaction when its owner gives it to eat ice cream. After a bit licks, φαίνεται να αντιμετωπίζει τον “πονοκέφαλο του παγωτού”. Makes a funny face looking up with […]

What dog is smarter;

(13) | 15/05/2015 | 1 Comment

Funny ad of Mars chocolate, starring two dogs.

How drunk the Finns

(15) | 14/05/2015 | 0 comments

The Swedish comedian Robert Gustafsson represents 5 (stereotypes) stages in busting a Finnish. Ένα αστείο απόσπασμα από τη Σουηδική τηλεοπτική εκπομπή “Time Out”

How music can enhance a video

(10) | 14/05/2015 | 0 comments

There are cases where the appropriate musical editing can make a video much funnier. Here is an example.