Browsing all posts tagged with safety

ATM theft with backhoe

(4) | 19/11/2014 | 0 comments

Video from a security camera shows stealing an ATM from a supermarket in the Leicestershire village of England, with the use of a forklift backhoe. The ATM then placed on the back of a pickup truck and thieves […]

The tragic story of Liz Marks

(18) | 04/11/2014 | 0 comments

The Liz is a young woman of 20 years who was addicted to mobile. It was quite a good schoolgirl, He had many friends, but her life changed forever when he read an SMS as lead. Ironically, […]

Antique lighter without Flint and sparks

(6) | 02/11/2014 | 0 comments

This is a lighter since early 1900, that works with the catalysis process without having Flint. Specifically uses a little bit of Platinum powder (Platinum), which functions as a catalyst […]

An epic video for safety on board

(11) | 25/10/2014 | 0 comments

The airline Air New Zealand has a tradition in fun video demonstration for safety on airplanes. This time, with the main theme 'The Lord of the Rings', Our travels in the middle where Earth […]

Neither scarification

(12) | 23/10/2014 | 0 comments

Security cameras at a garage record a man hurries to save an old classic Ford Mustang in which forgot to pull the handbrake. The car then dangerously begins to flow out of the […]

Bosnian and Belgian fans exchanging scarves

(12) | 15/10/2014 | 1 Comment

A day before the match Serbia-Albania and the incidents that occurred, another race had completely different picture. In Bosnia match with Belgium both teams fans gathered outside the stadium before […]

The whole point of safety belt

(15) | 06/10/2014 | 0 comments

A very good lesson from your buddy friend.

The truck of the future

(19) | 03/10/2014 | 3 Comments

Από το όραμα στην πραγματικότητα – το εντυπωσιακό project της Mercedes-Benz με όνομα “Future Truck 2025” μας δίνει μια γεύση από το συναρπαστικό φορτηγό του μέλλοντος, which will be presented at the international exhibition of commercial vehicles […]

Unexpected developments in armed robbery

(12) | 02/10/2014 | 0 comments

On Thursday, September 25 in South Africa, a security camera captures the moment when three armed men come into the garden of a House, and bring two people in order to rob them. But the thieves mystify […]

The Lantern dancing

(18) | 16/09/2014 | 0 comments

In the city of Lisbon in Portugal, a lantern hides a surprise for pedestrians. The little red mannikin will begin to dance, pulling the attention of pedestrians, until the green light. Meanwhile, the dance […]

In China, Nobody will help

(8) | 20/08/2014 | 7 Comments

Security cameras record the reaction of passengers in Shanghai Metro, When a fellow passenger the insensible and faints. It will only take a few seconds to evacuate a train in a panic situation […]

If you drink, don't drive it

(10) | 26/06/2014 | 0 comments

A strong social message of the Organization Convivencia sin Violencia, that is mobilized for the health and safety of young people in Mexico.

Shocking Irish road safety advertising

(27) | 20/06/2014 | 5 Comments

This is a recent spots of the Ministry of environment and safety b. Ireland for road safety.

Huge gas tank explosion in car

(3) | 26/05/2014 | 0 comments

For a while a driver escaped in Iran, as she filled the tank of his car with gas at gas station. The car's owner had installed cheap tank and regulator that has not abided by the security specifications.

Elephants collaborate to save a baby elephant

(11) | 17/05/2014 | 0 comments

At Ol Pejeta Wildlife Park, Kenya, a herd of elephants through the Ewaso Nyiro River. A small elephant drifting from the strong currents of the river, and the mother hurries to help. […]