A cat waits outside a store for treats
In a street in Mexico City, Tanya Sands noticed a stray cat waiting outside a supermarket. The woman entered the store and was accompanied by the cat, who sent her to favorites […]
Cats and dominoes
Two cats watch in wonder a series of dominoes that has been set before them.
The wrestler cat
We do not know what made the little stuffed animal, but the wrestling match lasted only a few seconds.
A cat winning at tic tac toe
A cat playing tic tac toe with its owner and wins.
If you behave like your cat
A cat constantly licking her owner, but resent when he tries to do the same.
Cat vs aluminum foil
To prevent the cat from coming up on the kitchen counter, a man placed over the foil sheets. It seems this practice has resulted.
A dog sleeps while two cats fighting beside him
A dog wakes up and scares when two cats behind him begin to bicker.
A cat plays with her owner
A cat teases her owner and provokes him to chase her.
A dog and his cat friend
Bo, a 5 month old beagle dog, sitting beside his friend Jasper the cat in front of the window, in Indiana, United States.
A cat asks for little attention
A cat in Thailand hugs his owner's hand while he plays with his mobile.
The farmer's cat
In Iartsevo Russia, a cat lying on the back of the owner as he takes care of his field.
The cat's sombrero
A woman shows us how he made a Mexican sombrero for her cat.
A cat hanging out with the symphony orchestra
A stray cat invades the CRR Concert Hall in Istanbul, and climbs up on stage with the orchestra.
sacred cat
A cat with her head under a desk lamp, and the music from the track 'Ameno' by ERA.