A new kind of hamster
A cat has found a new way of entertainment – it uses the washing machine as a hamster wheel.
When you return home drunk and trying not to make noise
A cat tries to descend from a closet with acrobatic moves.
Two cats in a wrestling match
A kitten and a big cat fight in an exciting wrestling match. The kitten will have no chance.
A cat score a goal
The OwlKitty cat running on the football field and scores a beautiful goal during a match. Goal!!
The deadly move of the Ninja cat
A Ninja cat will make a lethal combination of kung fu and Krav-Maga to attack the enemy.
When a cat sees what lions do
A cat sees a shocked documentary, where lions catch their prey.
You scared me stupid!
A cat will hit her head on the rails, startled by a man who was pulling video.
The useful cat
A cat helps its owner to recover a clasp and a ring of the siphon of a washbasin.
A cat licking a blanket
A cat licking a blanket until the language eventually crashes.
A kitten with a parasitic worm in the neck
A man uses a forceps to remove a large parasitic worm (horsefly larva), which has got under the skin of a cat's neck.
Cat with private elevator
A cat has its own private elevator to go up to the house of the boss.
The cat Is enchanted by the tap
A cat is captured by water flowing from a faucet, and makes funny faces.
A cat in a deep sleep
In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a woman trying to wake a cat asleep.
How to turn off the light of the room with a laser
A quick way to extinguish the light of a room from a distance, using a laser and your cat.
The cat in the pan
In Sao Paulo, Brazil, a kitten is from the owner to have slept curled in a pan.