Browsing all posts tagged with woman

Infinite intelligence…

(14) | 25/01/2019 | 2 Comments

A woman trying to get her foot through a link (Skip Ball game) but will do a very dumb move.

Rescue a scared stray dog ​​from cold

(11) | 18/01/2019 | 0 comments

In St.Louis city in the United States Missouri, a female member of Stray Rescue Organization is trying to take away a young stray dog ​​is alone in the snow.

New means of transport for the hard winter days

(9) | 16/01/2019 | 0 comments

A woman leaves her home in the morning going to work, and discovers that the road is a bit more icy than usual.

An application that changes the hair color

(9) | 16/01/2019 | 0 comments

Technology at CES 2019 report, a woman tries to implement YouCam Makeup. The application can change hair color virtually, the use of augmented reality.

Perfume test

(19) | 15/01/2019 | 1 Comment

A woman is trying perfumes on camera, when her boyfriend gives her a… present.

Sign falls on car (Australia)

(3) | 11/01/2019 | 0 comments

In Melbourne, Australia, a highway billboard detached from the base of falling onto a passing car driven a woman. The driver was injured but not risked her life.

A woman imitates the voice of Siri

(11) | 27/12/2018 | 0 comments

A woman (@HAZMATCAZZ on Twitter) perfectly imitates the voice of Siri, e Apple's assistant. For those who believe that they are lip-sync, watch other videos from the account of. Actress Susan Bennett […]

Woman trying a pair of very high shoes

(10) | 22/12/2018 | 1 Comment

A woman falls while trying to test a pair of platform shoes with high heels, in a shop.

Own goal after successive blunders in women's football match

(11) | 21/12/2018 | 0 comments

Match of women's football championship between Maidstone United and Prince of Wales in England, perhaps we saw the funniest goal of the season. A player of Maidstone United approaching the opponents frame […]

Woman posing for a photograph next to a dinosaur

(19) | 19/12/2018 | 0 comments

Theme park Universal's Islands of Adventure of Universal film company in Orlando, Florida, a woman wanted to pose for photograph beside a dinosaur.

How to decorate the Christmas tree when you have cats;

(5) | 19/12/2018 | 0 comments

A woman who owns many cats, has found the solution on how to set up the Christmas tree this year. He put the tree in a cage, so cats can not touch it, to climb […]

A woman transformed into Einstein

(10) | 17/12/2018 | 0 comments

Η Yuya Mika, a makeup artist from China, It shows us that transforms her face to look like Einstein.

The blonde with the electric car at the gas station

(21) | 17/12/2018 | 3 Comments

A woman tries to replenish the electric drive of Tesla Model S with fuel at a gas station. The scene amused much motorists waiting behind, who die laughing. One of them […]

Testing the ice cream lock

(9) | 16/12/2018 | 0 comments

LockPickingLawyer wanted to try a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream lock, making test with your favorite ice cream wife.

Woman with baby saved last time by truck out of control

(11) | 14/12/2018 | 0 comments

On December 10, 2018 to a Vietnamese street, a woman with her baby has just come out of a taxi. A truck out of control from the counter current passes over the interface […]