Browsing all posts tagged with woman

The victim of prank revenge

(31) | 07/01/2015 | 2 Comments

Στη γνωστή Καναδική εκπομπή με φάρσες “Just for Laughs”, a woman offering beer to a stranger, but then changed your mind once seen a nicer man. Όμως δεν υπολόγισε ότι το θύμα είναι “γκάνγκστερ” και […]

Policeman frightened old woman crossing the road

(4) | 02/01/2015 | 1 Comment

Prosecutor's investigation Warsaw, Poland examines incident that was released on video, with a police officer to patrol deflects aiming to scare an elderly woman who was crossing the road from the walkway. […]

Two women trapped in the vortex of spacetime

(10) | 21/12/2014 | 0 comments

In a shopping mall in Brazil, two women have been caught up in the vortex of spacetime as climb an escalator. Fortunately, someone attending the scene will help by showing the exit from […]

The grumpy passenger on bus

(42) | 17/12/2014 | 2 Comments

A bus in New York, a woman upset with the driver, because waiting until they boarded a disabled person. The woman whine that will take on the job of, Another passenger replied […]

Road rage by a jealous ex

(8) | 16/12/2014 | 0 comments

A road near Volgograd in Russia, a woman repeatedly collides with the car of a former friend of, When he realizes he is in it with another. The vehicle ends collide on […]

Hilarious action scene in movie porvo

(20) | 15/12/2014 | 0 comments

What will help this unfortunate woman;

In order not to become a laughing stock in the gym

(19) | 13/12/2014 | 0 comments

While running on a treadmill, a man loses his balance once he passes a nice woman. But recovering immediately without being ridiculed.

The evil cat attacks!

(20) | 11/12/2014 | 1 Comment

A woman is attacked by a wild cat while trying to banish away from the dog's.

He saved three newborn sharks at the beach

(30) | 04/12/2014 | 0 comments

On a beach of Cape Town in South Africa, a man rescues three sharks babies from the belly of their mother, making caesarean section with a knife. The woman who took the video saw […]

7 Ways to flatter a male peos

(15) | 04/12/2014 | 1 Comment

After the video with the flattery in female breasts, This is equally funny prank in the same pattern, with a woman to make similar comments in front of men. As the approaching, I distinguish a nice […]

Woman stabs random people on the street

(7) | 03/12/2014 | 0 comments

On November 30, 2014, on a street of New Orleans, a woman walks by holding a knife and stabs random some passers-by. Originally hits with the knife a cyclist who does not understand what has happened […]

100 years of female beauty in 1 minute

(11) | 03/12/2014 | 2 Comments

This timelapse video shows us the evolution of female appearance between 1910 and 2010, Summing up a century in a minute. The same woman appears with the haircut and makeup that was […]

Zombie surprise party

(18) | 01/12/2014 | 0 comments

On the occasion of Halloween and her husband's birthday, a woman in England organised a special surprise party at home. Her husband Sam is a big fan of old movies with zombies, and as […]

The Beatles Puppets Sing 'Help'

(12) | 01/12/2014 | 0 comments

Little puppets with the figures of the Beatles perform the song 'Help' on a street in San Sebastian, Spain. Two women control the puppets masterfully.