Browsing all posts tagged with advertisement

The challenge of Samsung

(7) | 27/05/2013 | 0 comments

Keep your eyes glued to the screen of the mobile for 60 minutes, and win a Samsung Galaxy S4. This was the challenge that put the Samsung at several passers-by at the train station Zürich. And […]

Advertising: The zeibekiko

(6) | 27/05/2013 | 0 comments

A recent and fairly funny advertisement of Aegean Airlines


(10) | 27/05/2013 | 0 comments

A fun retro-style ad that seems to show a new energy drink, is in fact a promotion of the event 'Matinée' at club Amnesia Ibiza

The Microsoft taunts the Apple

(10) | 24/05/2013 | 0 comments

In a recent advertisement for Windows 8 entitled 'Less talking, more doing', the Microsoft presents disadvantages of an iPad in relation to its own operating using the voice of Siri.

How to help a friend

(15) | 24/05/2013 | 0 comments

A funny Pepsi Max advertisement

Workplace accident

(34) | 23/05/2013 | 0 comments

A series of slightly macabre but funny ad agency's Prevent-It Canada, aimed at preventing [...]

Αν είχαν και οι άντρες αυτές τις δύσκολες μέρες του μήνα…

(17) | 20/05/2013 | 0 comments

A man lives the difficult days of the month. The company's advertising Libresse.

Chiropractic for assassins

(7) | 20/05/2013 | 0 comments

Very funny but creepy ad therapist chiropractic Ryan Lee in Los Angeles.

The ugly side of Coca-Cola

(20) | 13/05/2013 | 0 comments

A clever spot from Greenpeace in Australia, He seems initially like a Coca Cola ad-, but ends [...]

Just for kids

(22) | 06/05/2013 | 0 comments

In an effort to provide abused children a safe way to ask for help, the Spanish Agency ANAR created [...]

What is the best smartphone;

(9) | 01/05/2013 | 0 comments

The new ad from Nokia Mobile Lumia 920 satirizei disagreements of Samsung and Apple users, with a sarcastic and extremely funny way.

When you live with the Formula 1 team

(9) | 01/05/2013 | 0 comments

An advertisement of McLaren for the promotion contest, where participants have the opportunity to meet the team and do test drive with a car. More info you can see here.

I feel like a baby

(22) | 21/04/2013 | 0 comments

A very fun company's advertising Evian where several people looking at his own reflection as babe and dancing with her.

Campaign against weapons in the U.S.

(6) | 18/04/2013 | 0 comments

An ad from the non-profit organization United States to apply stricter laws against firearms legislation in the U.S.. 'The laws for the weapons are obsolete' as stated in the Agency, who passes a corresponding […]

National Geographic: The 80s

(9) | 16/04/2013 | 0 comments

A nice ad for National Geographic Channel television series 'The ' 80s: The Decade That Made Us'