Browsing all posts tagged with advertisement

Turns the bunch;

(9) | 28/10/2012 | 2 Comments

Humorous advertisement "Go Bet" with Yannis Zouganelis Topanga to the Galileo

Smart LG ad

(10) | 24/10/2012 | 0 comments

How unrealistic it may seem the floor of an elevator which collapses; The LG turned this smart advertising designed to enhance image quality to new IPS monitors.

Coca Cola & James Bond Skyfall

(12) | 22/10/2012 | 0 comments

For the film James Bond 007 Skyfall, the Coca-Cola turned a new advertisement where a slot machine assigns a mission to those who use it. They must avoid several obstacles and reach […]

The father's love

(8) | 14/10/2012 | 0 comments

A touching ad from Malaysia

Mobile and driving

(2) | 10/10/2012 | 0 comments

A tv ad of the SAAQ organization (Agency for the safety of motorists in Quebec, Canada), that shows the dangers of using texting to mobile while driving.

How to watch ads

(4) | 01/10/2012 | 0 comments

The impressive advertisement for the latest model of the Opus watches series, from horology Harry Winston. Made exclusively with computer graphics, takes us close to the accessories, the complexity and functionality of the clock.

A psychic reveals his secret

(117) | 25/09/2012 | 5 Comments

A talented clairvoyant reveals the secret behind their magical skills to a group of unsuspecting Belgian.

Advertising mobile phone in 1989

(4) | 22/09/2012 | 0 comments

See the size and price. Only $ 799! This is the ad one of the first mobile phones on the market by the American chain store Radio shack. It was very heavy, the battery lasted barely, […]

Now everyone will want to get on the bus

(12) | 19/09/2012 | 0 comments

Don't remember ever advertising for city buses, let alone one as epic as that from the Danish transport company Midttrafik. Μέσα από ένα διασκεδαστικό σποτ 90 δευτερολέπτων ανακαλύπτουμε τελικά πόσο “cool” είναι να μπαίνεις […]

The new advertisement of Merenda

(12) | 16/09/2012 | 0 comments

Humorous advertisement for the new Crunchy Merenda, with a parody of the song 'Ameno'

Hyper Matrix

(8) | 10/09/2012 | 0 comments

The Jonpasang advertising company from Korea in collaboration with Hyundai's automotive, He created a huge video wall consisting of thousands of small mechanical cubes powered by creating various images and designs. The impressive […]

The knowledge on the Internet

(7) | 07/09/2012 | 0 comments

The Zack Matere, a farmer from the village of Soy in Kenya, was looking for a way to save his crops drawing information from the [...]

The great blunder of Nokia

(7) | 07/09/2012 | 0 comments

Introducing the new image stabilizer mobile Lumia 920, the Nokia turned this ad in which inter alia it shows someone pulls a mobile video on bike. In our presented below […]

Chase with beer

(8) | 05/09/2012 | 0 comments

Humorous advertising of Carlton Draught beer