Browsing all posts tagged with picture

Hidden elements that link all the Pixar films

(3) | 19/01/2017 | 0 comments

In a video posted on the Toy Story Facebook page, the Disney shows us that all the animated films from Pixar interconnected. Indeed, Pixar's studios have placed small […]

Indian woman driver risk death

(0) | 13/01/2017 | 0 comments

I'll let the picture do the talking...

Storms in timelapse

(7) | 06/01/2017 | 1 Comment

The American photographer Mike Olbinski made a beautiful timelapse by cloud formations during storms, They recorded in recent years in the United States. Often using colors in video, by Mike Olbinski this […]

A drone over the Swiss Alps

(4) | 05/01/2017 | 0 comments

The amateur filmmaker Gab707 wishes us good years with impressive images of the Swiss Alps in footage from a drone. On a beautiful sunny day, small aircraft flew over some famous places of the Alps […]

The evolution of the Moon

(13) | 28/12/2016 | 0 comments

Through the years, the Moon seems to not have changed. The craters and other peculiarities seem to be standing anymore, but it was not always like this. Thanks to the craft «Lunar […]

The frightening depths of the ocean

(18) | 12/12/2016 | 2 Comments

The ocean is a deep and scary world, in fact we know very little. Only 5% of the entire seabed has been explored, and even the most sophisticated underwater exploration may not […]

Six kinds of extinct animals since 1900

(11) | 30/10/2016 | 0 comments

Rare images of six species that disappeared from 1900 until today. A recent annual report by the World Organization WWF revealed the disappearance of 58% of vertebrates on the planet in just 40 years. He […]

Dynamic mapped display

(11) | 21/10/2016 | 0 comments

A group of students in Ishikawa Watanabe laboratory at the University of Tokyo, working on augmented reality functions and a program for viewing patterns on moving surfaces. This dynamic mapped display operates through a system […]

A very clean car

(10) | 10/10/2016 | 0 comments

In a car wash, ένα αυτοκίνητο φαίνεται να είναι πλυμένο εξαιρετικά… Η εικόνες στην αρχή του βίντεο προέρχονται από την αντανάκλαση μιας πόρτας αυτοκινήτου.

How to remove the wheel of a bicycle

(18) | 19/09/2016 | 1 Comment

The youtuber Punpun a short tutorial for Photoshop shows us how to remove the wheel of a bicycle on a picture. It is quite simple, αλλά έχει αρκετούς κινδύνους…

Motorists rescue a woman from a burning car on

(7) | 01/09/2016 | 3 Comments

On Thursday, August 25, 2016 on Highway 17 Binghamton, in upstate New York, a truck caused a violent pile hitting several vehicles. After the accident, a woman trapped […]

The clockwork robot François Junod

(17) | 05/08/2016 | 0 comments

The talented engineer François Junod created an incredible mechanical automaton depicting the Aleksandr Pushkin, which is able to write a variety of texts and 1458 pictures, simulated the picturesque character of the great poet. […]

Computational thermoforming

(10) | 03/08/2016 | 0 comments

The Christian Schüller presents us with the computational technique thermoforming, with which a laminate can easily get the color and texture of any three-dimensional shape. The software simulates the process of forming […]

Within the restricted zone of Fukushima, Five years after

(7) | 13/07/2016 | 0 comments

Wearing a gas mask, but no other protective clothing, the 27 year old Explorer and photographer Wee Loong Keow, επισκέφθηκε τέσσερις από τις πόλεις φαντάσματα στη Φουκουσίμα – Tomioka, Reading, Namie και Futaba – τον Ιούνιο μαζί […]

Unmanned car simulator

(10) | 09/07/2016 | 0 comments

The Arduino Car Simulator is a simulator for unmanned car created by the Marc and Jordi Tomàs Rafart, two students of Robotics at the University of Barcelona's Escola Diocesana. From a seat with steering wheel and pedals, the […]