Browsing all posts tagged with electric

Charge a mobile phone on the train Rails

(10) | 08/03/2016 | 0 comments

A young man from Russia explains a rather dangerous technique to charge a mobile phone battery, with the electric current flowing through the rails of a railway line. Initially, the young count the […]

Wooden table with electric screwdrivers

(8) | 05/03/2016 | 0 comments

In a report toolbar, the company Bosch has set up a wooden football table that works with the help of electric screwdrivers.

Metal with shovel

(13) | 27/02/2016 | 0 comments

Musician Rob Scallon makes us show an electric guitar built by craftsman Bob Clagett, from an old shovel. Has only a chord, but the guitar-shovel can easily be used for some metal gratzoynismata.

ISAP's security guard attacks a passenger of African descent

(21) | 15/02/2016 | 8 Comments

Υπάλληλος Security στον σταθμό ηλεκτρικού της Κηφισιάς προσπαθεί να μεταφέρει στο τελευταίο βαγόνι άντρα από την Αφρική με την δικαιολογία ότι η τσάντα του εμποδίζει λόγω μεγέθους.Ο μετανάστης αρνήθηκε να αποχωρήσει και ο υπάλληλος επέμεινε […]

The translucent solar items

(11) | 05/02/2016 | 0 comments

Ubiquitous Energy company manufactures the first transparent solar cells in the world, a technology that could significantly expand the scope of solar energy. Their technology is an invisible film that can […]

How to train your car

(11) | 20/01/2016 | 0 comments

After the recent firmware upgrade to electric cars Tesla Model S and X, the wizard has the ability to move his car from a distance using an application on mobile. The operation is called Summon, and […]

The Hoverboard got fire

(7) | 11/01/2016 | 0 comments

The Delvon Simmons from USA load his new electric Hoverboard, He went for a walk outside after five minutes saw smoke coming from the device. After a few minutes, things got worse […]

Pushed a car on subway stairs

(12) | 02/01/2016 | 0 comments

On the evening of New Year's residence this Thursday, December 31, a group of youths who were probably drunk, thought it would be fun to poke a small electric car in subway stairs, […]

Το “Ρούντολφ το ελαφάκι” σε πρωτότυπη ερμηνεία με κιθάρα

(3) | 23/12/2015 | 0 comments

In the spirit of the holidays, the Jemima the goat plays the well-known Christmas tune on an electric guitar.

Pretend that holding a baby to steal objects

(9) | 20/12/2015 | 0 comments

In Bogota, the capital of Colombia, a woman is caught by a security guard at a Housewares store, as a suspect for theft of goods. The woman was ready to leave by stealing two electrical appliances with a very funny technique. […]

An electric guitar from cardboard

(11) | 06/12/2015 | 0 comments

What if everything was made out of cardboard; Team members Signal Snowboards have been conducting experiments to see how flexible is the material. So far, They have tried to build skateboards and […]

The mechanical horse

(19) | 30/11/2015 | 0 comments

At the Winter Equestrian Festival in Wellington, Fla. (United States), visitors could admire a metal horse Gallop. Το γλυπτό από χάλυβα με τίτλο “Μηχανικό άλογο” κατασκευάστηκε από τον Adrian Landon και χρειάστηκε […]

Offhand lens converts the kinetic energy into electrical energy

(18) | 10/11/2015 | 0 comments

Russian electronic Alexander Polioylak, uses a common syringe and to construct a lens that works with kinetic energy, from the vibration of the hand.

The Aladdin with magic carpet in New York

(17) | 01/11/2015 | 0 comments

On the occasion of Halloween, a man dresses up as the famous Disney hero Aladdin and 'flies' through the streets of New York on his flying carpet. In fact, the famous magic carpet based on […]

The girl with the electric ukulele

(16) | 30/10/2015 | 0 comments

The Taimane Gardner from Hawaii made a splendid solo with an electric ukulele, στο φεστιβάλ “San Diego Ukulele Festival” το 2014.