Browsing all posts tagged with World

The largest spider in the world

(20) | 14/06/2012 | 1 Comment

The spider 'Goliath the Theraphosa leblondi ' or ptinofagos is the biggest spider in the world. Despite the name of the, feeds mainly on [...]


(48) | 12/06/2012 | 2 Comments

In a world where people are judged by their numbers, the Zero is constantly confronted with prejudices and rejection. [...]

The fastest boat in the world

(14) | 05/06/2012 | 0 comments

“Problem Child” is a drag racing boat that can reach a speed of 420 km/h

The wonderful world of the deep sea

(11) | 01/06/2012 | 0 comments

The David Gallo shows us the behavior and tricks of marine creatures, including a cuttlefish which [...]

The smaller fire truck in the world

(2) | 23/05/2012 | 0 comments

This is a real mini fire truck in Ontario Canada. When they see the fires off from joke.

Statler & Waldorf: The Internet

(15) | 04/05/2012 | 1 Comment

The two known saucy old men from the Muppet Show, make their comment about the world of the Internet

Always by your side

(23) | 21/04/2012 | 0 comments

The mother's job is the most difficult but also the best job in the world. A very nice ad of P & G shot [...]

The most annoying cat in the world

(7) | 18/04/2012 | 0 comments

Κάθε μέρα στις 5 το πρωί…

Stavros Gryllis: The youngest drifter in the world

(24) | 14/04/2012 | 0 comments

The jack of 9- Stavros lives in Kos and deals with the drift here 2 years. It is perhaps the youngest drifter in the world and possesses amazing abilities behind the wheel. Enjoy the.

Kauai: The lost world

(20) | 14/04/2012 | 1 Comment

Shots of the lovely Kauai, the fourth largest and perhaps the most beautiful island of Hawaii, known as the 'Garden Island'


(6) | 12/04/2012 | 0 comments

In a world that moves and is controlled by the light, the design of an ordinary human being can change everything. A short film of Juan Pablo Zaramella, they are made entirely in stop-motion.

The transparent factory of Volkswagen

(7) | 11/04/2012 | 1 Comment

The transparent factory of Volkswagen in Dresden is one of the most advanced automobile plants. [...]

Human rights part 1: What are human rights;

(10) | 11/04/2012 | 0 comments

There is a definition of what human rights are, and if yes, then what is just; Human rights is something controversial in our time, If you take a look across the Western world. But […]

Flash Mob: The bad breath

(11) | 11/04/2012 | 0 comments

Η καμπάνια της Tic Tac “Η πιο άσχημη αναποή στον κόσμο” έφερε και εις πέρας αυτό το flash mob/διαφήμιση όπου ένας ανυποψίαστος περαστικός παρακολουθεί άφωνος 50 ηθοποιούς να λιποθυμούν γύρω του.