Browsing all posts tagged with baby

Dog watching a baby

(17) | 30/10/2018 | 0 comments

The Chiko, a Shiba Inu breed dog, watching with great zeal the new family member.

The sharp eyes of baby

(20) | 18/10/2018 | 0 comments

A little girl eating banana compote with her mom, when her dad who shoot video tells: 'Give me more bananas!”. Then suddenly turns her head and cast a sharp look […]

A baby discuss with his mom

(26) | 16/10/2018 | 1 Comment

A mom in Argentina asks her 15 month daughter why she does not eat her mashed potatoes. The little one can not even speak, but pretending to participate in the conversation.

A small rhino is trying to awake his dead mom

(11) | 04/10/2018 | 0 comments

On February 17 in South Africa, volunteers from the association Rhino 911 saw the sad scene of a hungry little rhino was trying in vain to wake his mother had just been killed by poachers for […]

Woman with baby chased by police

(10) | 23/09/2018 | 0 comments

The Texas authorities published this video from June, where a woman did not stop to sign and chased by police. The woman who was with her baby in the vehicle, had […]

A mother sells her baby for 38 € (Russia)

(16) | 21/09/2018 | 0 comments

The mother of the child (Inna Petrova, 25), He claimed that he could not raise the child due to unemployment. Seeing an ad on the internet Natalia Zhdanova requested to adopt a baby to 3 […]

Prank with baby

(20) | 15/09/2018 | 0 comments

A man make fun of his father, pretending that the baby goes from hands.

The twin pandas are saved before they get neglected by their mother

(3) | 11/09/2018 | 0 comments

When they do many babies, everything usually arrange only one baby out of them and leave the other. The frequent change of their caregivers may be the key to their survival.

A toddler drowning, as the mother deals with her cell phone

(42) | 05/09/2018 | 1 Comment

The incident took place at the 'Beibeilamu' children's pool in the city of Fuzhou, China, on July 31, 2018. The young mother went to swim the 12 months daughter, Xiao Ai, the first birthday. […]

Donkey avenges the wolf that killed his baby

(24) | 03/09/2018 | 3 Comments

In a valley in Yemen, an ass just killed the wolf grabbed his little. with fury, the donkey keeps hitting and biting the corpse of the dead wolf.

A baby eating first chocolate

(9) | 27/08/2018 | 0 comments

This US baby in Philadelphia was surprised when his mother, He gave him to eat some chocolate for the first time.

The Super mom

(65) | 19/08/2018 | 0 comments

The daily routine of a joyous mother, when every morning have to dress the triplets babies and older children 2 years. At least it looks fun.

A baby discovers the echo

(20) | 13/08/2018 | 0 comments

A little girl reacts very cute when I first heard the echo of her voice.

A baby and a husky puppy relax on a swing

(10) | 28/07/2018 | 0 comments

Arizona United States, a baby in a crib sitting in the company of his new friend, a husky puppy.

Mom crocodile carries her cubs in her mouth

(12) | 10/07/2018 | 1 Comment

BBC Earth documentary 'Spy in the Wild' film a mother crocodile picking up her babies in her mouth to carry them to water.