Browsing all posts tagged with water

You can hear the difference between hot and cold water;

(13) | 07/03/2017 | 0 comments

Thanks to an intuitive knowledge, it is easy to distinguish the sound of hot and cold water, using only our hearing. This difference lies in the fact that the viscosity of the water is reduced when […]

The cat startled by a sneeze

(20) | 06/03/2017 | 0 comments

A man recording with his cell phone a cat drinking water in a pond. But as the approaching, sneezes…

Zebra trying to kill a colt, while his mother fights back

(20) | 01/03/2017 | 0 comments

While a herd of zebras drinking water in Etosha National Park in Namibia, a male trying to kill a foal holding it under water, before the eyes of his mother. After a few […]

Help a Shark

(12) | 01/03/2017 | 2 Comments

St9 February 2017 in Jensen Beach, Florida, two men observed a mafropterygo shark struggling to swim, and had come out to shallow. Immediately they realized that the shark was entangled in a fishing line and […]

Ancient musical instruments of Incas mimic animal sounds

(36) | 15/02/2017 | 7 Comments

The Vitancio Jose Umeres is an expert in prehistoric Peruvian musical instruments/whistles. Organs work with the interaction between water and air, and usually mimic the sounds of wild animals.

When the cold is excessive

(13) | 14/02/2017 | 0 comments

The hose of water in a home in Russia turns into Ice, due to the very low temperature.

Plunged into the frozen lake to save a dog

(20) | 10/02/2017 | 2 Comments

A man in Simferopol Crimea dive into icy lake to save a dog that can not get out of the water.

Fire airplane throwing 72 tons of water in Chile's forest

(19) | 09/02/2017 | 1 Comment

A Boeing 747 supertanker throws 72 tons at once water, during the extinguishing process of a fire that hit a forest in Chile.

Torrent of lava from Kilauea volcano, continuously flowing into the Pacific Ocean

(8) | 06/02/2017 | 1 Comment

As constantly erupting from 3 January 1983, the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii recently produced an impressive torrent of lava that falls directly on the Pacific Ocean. This phenomenon, is spectacular and alarming, […]

A cat is fishing under the ice

(16) | 25/01/2017 | 0 comments

A cat in Russia catches a fish in the cold water of a canal.

Fall helicopter river

(2) | 25/01/2017 | 0 comments

On Sunday January 22, 2017 shortly before 5 pm, a Robinson R44 helicopter crashed in Rio River Tourvo near Capitólio Brazil. the aircraft, which was carrying tourists, he rounds up […]

Live painting

(8) | 25/01/2017 | 0 comments

A painted figure with a marker on the parquet, alive in the water. When covered with a small amount of water, ink detaches from the floor and the figure comes alive as if by magic.

How ships float;

(16) | 24/01/2017 | 1 Comment

How can a giant construct of metal, loaded with tons of merchandise floating in water; An educational video from the "Everyday Physics" channel.

A duck trolarei a tiger

(15) | 20/01/2017 | 0 comments

A duck trolarei a tiger in a Lake Wildlife Park Symbio, in Helensburgh Australia. The duck enjoys the bath of the water surface, while the tiger tries to catch. Though […]

Trainer forcing terrified dog into the water for filming

(25) | 19/01/2017 | 3 Comments

During the filming of the movie "A Dog's Purpose", a trainer forcing a German shepherd to enter the water. From these shots recorded in November 2015, we can see the terrified […]