Browsing all posts tagged with water

Fell in water Pokemon playing Go

(7) | 14/07/2016 | 0 comments

Accompanied by a friend, one man broadcast live on streaming a Pokémon game Go at Prospect Park in Brooklyn. As it was evening and it was very dark, couldn't see well where he walked. the fatal […]

The rope is cut during the landing on aircraft carrier

(16) | 09/07/2016 | 0 comments

In March 2016, a landing nearly turned into tragedy, When the braking rope was cut during the landing of an E-2C Hawkeye in the American aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. Fortunately, the pilot of the plane could […]

Car wash with an open sunroof

(15) | 06/07/2016 | 0 comments

A family in the United States goes into an automatic car wash, but apparently forgot to correctly close the sunroof. The leakage from the sides of the roof will fill the car with water.

Mp Nikos Manios steals water from your neighbor

(12) | 05/07/2016 | 1 Comment

The Cyclades of syriza mp Nicos Manios drank all the water of, and thought to steal little and from your neighbor during a television conversation on ERT.

Shopping in the supermarket by force

(25) | 02/07/2016 | 0 comments

With his mobile phone in the ear and a hand cart, a man walks the corridors makes a supermarket looking for shopping. Suddenly a fish escaping from aquarium jumping direct […]

The cat regretted it

(23) | 30/06/2016 | 0 comments

The Alistair the purr is curious, and could not resist the temptation to inspect the bathtub where you bathe a lizard pogona. When you put the two front feet of the water the regret, but […]

Osprey catching a fish in slow motion

(20) | 30/06/2016 | 0 comments

Η εντυπωσιακή βουτιά ενός ψαραετού για να πιάσει το θήραμά του καταγράφεται με κάθε λεπτομέρεια σε αυτό το βίντεο που γυρίστηκε στα 800 καρέ ανά δευτερόλεπτο.Ο Ψαραετός είναι ένα από τα σπανιότερα είδη αετών στην […]

Have you ever seen a fish to do something;

(19) | 30/06/2016 | 0 comments

Το ψάρι Piraputanga ή “πέστροφα της Ν. Αμερικής” όπως το αποκαλούν, wont be jumping out of the water to catch affordable fruits fruit directly from the trees.

The Cristiano Ronaldo flies a reporter's microphone in water

(8) | 23/06/2016 | 0 comments

In Lyon, Ronaldo and his teammates did a stroll beside a Lake to relax. A journalist from the television network Portugal CMTV approaching the player and asks him if […]

Reporter vs. canteen owner in Acropolis

(33) | 22/06/2016 | 2 Comments

The reporter Rena Kouvelioti goes to the Acropolis, to find the right of thirsty tourists. Understands that in the canteen of the Citadel sold only granite and lemonades and not bottled waters (apparently to avoid […]

Human chain to rescue a dog

(16) | 17/06/2016 | 2 Comments

In Almaty City, Kazakhstan, passers-by stop to rescue a dog from a channel, making a human chain. The dog fell into the channel that feeds the Sayran water tank, and with no strong current […]

Pilot is drinking a glass of water, While flying upside down with a fighter plane

(19) | 16/06/2016 | 2 Comments

Pilot makes a physics experiment by putting water from a bottle into a glass, While located within a fighter plane. Then drink the water, and all this while doing reverse spins in the air. The […]

Two famous paintings of Van Gogh on the surface of the water

(12) | 16/06/2016 | 1 Comment

Turkish Garip Ay artist reproduces two famous paintings of Van Gogh, την “Έναστρη νύχτα” (June 1889) και το “Πορτραίτο του καλλιτέχνη” (1889), the surface of a deocheiou filled with water and mixed with black […]

Dad, look what I found!

(24) | 12/06/2016 | 0 comments

At Beaver Island, an island in Lake Michigan in the United States, the small Ariana finds a big snake in a pile of branches at the water's edge. It is not at all scared, and grabs the reptile […]

The darker material in the world can make a metal to float

(10) | 10/06/2016 | 3 Comments

Maybe you remember the Vantablack, the material absorbs 99,965% of the visible light. The Vantablack can have multiple applications, mainly in astronomical cameras, telescopes, and infrared scanning systems, since it has 'almost undetectable […]